Tuly underrated

This film and the movie "Paperhouse" are two of the most underrated psychological horror films ever. I mean Ridley ("the reflecting skin") did such an amazing job of creating atmosphere and dread. He's up there with Polanski on this one.

p.s. I mention "paperhouse", but i know it's totally unrelated to this movie or its director.


I tuly think you should use spell check.

"No they'll never catch me now." Decemberists


Yup, I hole-heartedly agree (heh!)


That's no typo. Alexander Tuly once told me that this film was "mediocre at best." It is therefore Tuly underrated.


no, it's "tuly" overrated


I think this film is extremely underrated! I know it is weird and hard to follow, but that's part of it's charm. Beautiful scenery and haunting ending.


The cinematography is amazing.

Last movies seen:
Fight Club: 7.5/10
Superbad: 7/10
Raging Bull: 9.5/10


It really is. How about that last scene with the sun sinking and the boy screaming. This was a beautiful haunting film.


It's such a shame it's still not out on dvd though. Fudge!


well I dont see how something that strange with such a disturbing ending could be good. I did not understand this film at all. I dont see any good things about it personally

itchy, wretched, rust in my aft. -Jetfire




Gee, how clever you (think) you are.



'Tuly' is what people call you when you're not there, as in: "Hey, there goes Tuly" and "Jesus, what a Tul".

Oh whisky, leave me alone.


Agreed. This film is quite haunting and unsettling.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


It's a amazing movie and needs to be seen by a large audience. You know that the people's taste are horrible when they prefer superhero movies over these timeless masterpieces.

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