so underrated

I think this movie is very much overlooked.. Critics seem heap a lot of praise and perhaps canon status onto another comedy from the mid 80s - Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.. I'm not sure why Quick Change isn't mentioned in the same breath as that movie.. I think it's definitely as funny and entertaining as PT&A.. Maybe because it didn't have PT&A's heartwarming, feel-good ending?...


I completely agree. This may be my favourite comedy of all time. Right up there with Muriel's Wedding, The Big Lebowski, and the Jerk. It is so underrated. It is consistently funny, with maybe a few parts that drag. Bill Murray is great as always, but I just love the supporting characters. Especially the bus driver and the cab driver.

Favourite part is when they run into the "battle" between the two men on bikes with gardening hoes. "It's bad luck just seeing a think like that"


It is without a doubt one of my favorite comedies. The writing once they are on the run is so good I could watch this thing 100 times and not get tired of it. Glad it is finally coming to DVD.



I just caught this movie on Encore and enjoyed it immensely! I'd never even heard of it before!



I watched this for the first time in years earlier in 2005 and although I found it just as funny, if not funnier than the last time, the romantic element drags the film down in the last half. Not that I dislike romance or anything...

The climax on the plane is enough to save it though.


I think it got good reviews, but it came out in the summer when there were a lot of action pictures, which might not have been the right time for it. Of course, Ghost opened the same day and did massive business.


Still is my favourite Billy Murray movie. Didn't get to see it in the theater, but I remember renting it on video the next year or so and loved it.


This is truely a classic and it is a shame that more people don't know about it.


I loved this movie back in 1990 and almost 20 years later, it's still as funny and entertaining as ever.


I watched it last night. I thought it was Murray's best movies. I think every one in it played their characters to a T. The plot was original and fun, too.


I saw this movie as a kid and then yesterday, and guess what, it STILL ROCKS. This movie is a lot of FUN, Bill Murray should be proud of this one.

Randy Quaid was hysterical too.

Flores...Flores para los muertos.... LMAO!!!


It came out the same day as Ghost, which became such a megahit that that probably hurt Quick Change. Also, from what I read, Murray was annoyed that the film wasn't being publicized and he told WB to delay the film and he'll do some more press releases. Did they listen? NO!


I laughed my but off at "Quick Change". I live in Northeastern New Jersey, about ten miles west of New York City. "Quick Change" is a must see for anyone who hates New York.


I totally agree. I watch it about 4-5 times a year.
