Wow, What a classic!!!

I saw this movie for the first time, and it was a fabulous experience. What a smart plot and well executed gags. I've never seen Bill Murray's movies before and I've become a huge fan of him after watching Quick Change.

Could someone suggest me similar classics from Bill?

BTW, why the hell this brilliant movie is so underrated?! It should deserve at least an 8/10.


Hey Selva!

Good to see that the majestic Mr Murray is still making new fans!

The obvious place to go next is 'Groundhog Day', a real classic by any definition of the word. It's his best comedic performance too, even if he's maybe a little better and a lot more serious in 'Lost in Translation'. Then you'll probably want to check out 'Rushmore', 'Ghostbusters' and 'the Life Aquatic', all great films.

Make sure you come back to tell us what you think!


Sure, thanks a lot Joe, i have heard a lot about Ghostbusters, but i was a kid to completely understand and enjoy the movie. Let me see the list this weekend. Thanks again for the suggestion friend.


Very good movie, just saw it, but only 6.5? Definetly underrated



"Very good movie, just saw it, but only 6.5? Definetly underrated"

My 9 rating just brought it up to 6.6

"I'm just a big, hairy American winning machine."


I certainly liked it, despite its frustrating moments.

However, if I had been the writer of the screenplay, I would have changed some scenes differently, after the robbery.

1. Grimm shooting those road workers like Phyllis wanted him to.
2. Grimm shooting Hal and his wife for holding him, Phyllis, and Loomis at gunpoint.
3. Grimm and Loomis punching out Jamey Sheridan's character and putting him in the trunk of his car.
4. Grimm telling the old lady to hurry the **** up!
5. Loomis shooting the cab driver and hijacking his taxi cab.
6. Grimm whacking the bus driver over the head and stealing the bus.
7. Grimm shooting the deranged guitar player trying to get on the bus.

Sounds extreme, however, that's how I would have re-written the scenes after the robbery. If only to give it more dimension.


> Sounds extreme, however, that's how I would have re-written the scenes after the robbery.

Well, thank you for not being a Hollywood writer.

The fact that Grimm did not shoot anyone or do anything violent tells the audience that Grimm is basically a good guy and that this is a comedy.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I agree - if he had done all those things the wouldn't have been the lovable character that he was.



Quick Change is awesome! SO FUNNY!!!!!


the way they got out of the bank blew my mind, very smart by the writers
i wouldn't have expected it that way



It is based on another movie but it's French and I haven't found it yet, but if they wrote it or the re writers wrote it it is still brilliant!


I would reccommend "The man who knew too little" as another overloaded Bill Murray Classic.


see "the man who knew too little". another murray gem


Along with Groundhog Day and What About Bob, this is my favorite Bill Murray movie. Sadly, it's one of my "nobody loves this but me" movies. I wish more people I knew had seen this.



My "trilogy" of Bill Murray's movies would be:

Quick Change
What about Bob?
Groundhog Day

That's not to say I don't love him in Caddyshack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, and other movies, but those 3, I have to watch whenever they are on, and are 3 of my favorite movies, let alone my 3 favorite movies with him in them.


i remember now that this was what the title to this movie, i recognise the cover so well, i've had it on tape from my closest neighbor country since i was a kid, i bought it in sweden though, this place was a heck of alote buzzier than i thought it would be, guess it's couse murray is in it.

japanese flower,
she come around here,
sails in clean air,
brighten the way,
lays me, in her embrace,
good morning, good night she sail,
in clear and cloud she wave,
under the blue sky,
until the garden she stay,
good morning, good night she sail,
in clear and cloud she wave,
my japanese flower.
