I agree. I was always fasninated by her extraordinary beauty since I seen this film when it was released. Its a shame she disappeared after this movie came out. Only other film she did(using a different last name) was The Penitent. Her role in it was minor, but her beauty and aura is the only thing memorable about it.
What on earth ever happened to her? Ever since the internet became mainstream in the mid 90's, I have tried to find info about her, and none is available. Did she die? I find it hard to believe that a woman with her beauty would just disappear from making movies. She could have at least had a career in B movies.
Funny thing, I stumbled upon The Penitent by accident in 1997. My mom was always a fan of Raul Julia, and when I was renting movies one day, I spotted that film, and had never heard of it. I decided to rent it with the other films I had rented, but before taking it to my mom's house, I decided to watch it myself. While watching it, my heart literally skipped a beat when I seen Rona in the film. I watched it several times until I had to return it. Hell, I never even took it to my mom so she could watch it. Had I known it would be the last time I ever had access to it, I never would've returned it to the video store. It has never been released on DVD, and I cant find a VHS copy anywhere.
Back in the late 90's, I spotted a couple other people online that were fans of hers, and I seriously considered starting a website devoted to Rona. That way people who looked for info on her would quickly spot the site, and maybe a small community could grow from it. Reasons I didn't do it is the fact that she has such a small amount of work(Penitent and Pendulum), and the fact that she pretty much vanished in 1991 and no info whatsoever has ever been found about her.
My theory on what happened to her: If she didn't die, she probably met some guy and got married, and instead of pursuing a film career, she decided to have a family instead.
Do you own Pit and the Pendulum on VHS? There are a few extras on it like deleted scenes, and a small interview with Rona. If you can find it, its worth checking out.
My DVD copy (Full Moon) has a 26-min extra (Video Zone), which includes an excellent making-of documentary, with an all-too-brief interview (about 5 mins. in) with Rona De Ricci about her character in the film, and yes, she is stunningly beautiful (and that's a gross understatement)! I can only hope to find "Pentinent", just to see more of her.
Yeah, if there's still a copy on Amazon, definitely buy it. Believe it or not, she's even more beautiful in The Penitent. She's a few years younger, and doesn't look terrified or have to show any emotions of fear in the film.
It still amazes me that no one in Hollywood was interested in her. When Pendulum was released in the US, it was shown on premium channels all the time. How not one person in the film industry couldn't see the talent and beauty she had is unbelievable. Thats one of the reasons I always thought she died shortly after making the film. Not one scrap of info regarding her ever surfaced, and if she was a foreign actress, she was unknown that it would be easy for her death to go unnoticed in the media.
I'm gonna do some digging and see what I can find out. Someone has to know something.
What? You didn't hear about the accident on the set while filming this?
She was fellating the director on the set and the pendulum came loose. Took her head clean off.
You can guess why I'm here. Saw this last night
All I can say is wow. That woman was so stunning in this film couldn't beleive my luck when she stripped of.
I can tell you now those actors have not had many better days at work.
just perfect. those hips :)
shame she never did any more films.
She was beautiful and did a great job in this film. A shame her career never took off and a shame how her life went. R.I.P