Why should I care about these people?
The film's 'heroes' are the same type of wealthy property speculators who charge exorbitant rents to their tenants and then move on to a bigger property/investment after selling their property for twice its earlier value. These people are leeches who prey on those of us who are unable to afford/get a loan for a mortgage.
The film of course tries to have us hate Carter Hayes/James Danforth by providing him with a backstory of someone even richer than Patty and Drake, as if to say "hey, it's the owners/landlords who are the salt-of-the-earth and the renters are all filthy, spendthrift scum who must have frittered all their money away". It's a 'have versus have-not' message that twists things to make the 'haves' seem like the poor victims. What hogwash! This is exactly the same trick billionaires like the Koch Brothers and the Tea Party play in assuming the role of the beleaguered 'little people' against the evil big bad government and its welfare programs.
Yeah, you read right. This is a Republican piece of crap thriller, and ultimately I can't help rooting for Hayes/Danforth against this pair of smug "I'm alright Jack" yuppies.