Honest Question : How can they make a BR extended cut when -?
- the source has been taken from VHS?
I don't know much about how Blu-Ray is made, but it seems that this is a step backwards in picture quality.
- the source has been taken from VHS?
I don't know much about how Blu-Ray is made, but it seems that this is a step backwards in picture quality.
Since Morgan Creek has shown interest in allowing funds to be raised, it is possible that the actual footage may be found. But if it is not, then I will accept whatever cut we can get of the extended version of the film. If, in the end, the VHS is truly all that is left. But I suspect that the footage still exists and it is possible that Morgan Creek's attempts to locate it have been half-hearted at best in the past. But now there is support for the film, enough to have gotten Morgan Creek's attention. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Remember, Morgan Creek is a company and Nightbreed is a product. If they are actually starting to think that the release will sell thanks to Occupy Midian and the screening efforts of the VHS, then it makes sense to release it. Fans want to see the movie get the treatment it deserves. It isn't about high quality if the footage doesn't exist anymore outside of the VHS, but simply about getting the best of what is available. The quality all hinges on finding the actual film reels. Bluray is simply the latest format and that is what it will be released in, regardless of what they have to work with.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Cool, thanks for clarifying.
shareHollowshape posted in a separate thread an audio interview with the guys who are working on the Nightbreed Cabal Edition, available here...http://www.clivebarkercast.com/2012/06/06/episode-014-special-guest-ru ssell-cherrington-nightbreed-restoration-director/. Just scroll down and click on the "Audio MP3" file's play button located just beneath one of the pictures. It is about 45 minutes long, but shows that they have worked hard to get this footage as is into the best shape possible for the screenings. They even got Doug Bradley to redo some lines and have been editing it together with the regular movie footage, and even with some help of Clive Barker himself to try to get it all just right, just as he had intended it. if this is all we get from the effort, then I won't complain. I mean, they seem to really care and sound as if they are doing an outstanding job. Barker has even commented that he would like to get Danny Elfman back to score some of the newly found scenes. We just don't know yet what will happen, but I sincerely hope that Morgan creek will actually find the film reels themselves. It's hard to believe that they were discarded or destroyed, but you never know. In any case, the possible BluRay release will preserve what is available for us, which in all honestly is more than I ever dreamed possible. Keep your fingers crossed!
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?