What the heck were they anyway
What were the night breed? Mutants , aliens, demons? If they were all one species why did they look so different.
shareWhat were the night breed? Mutants , aliens, demons? If they were all one species why did they look so different.
shareWhat were the nightbreed?
If they were all one species why did they look so different.
So, where did they come from? Were they the children of the devil or something?
Just other races.
Think before you reply, not after.
Well, certainly the very fact that there are supernatural elements such as life after death present, one cannot dismiss all of the Nightbreed as merely "other races". They could be considered children of the devil in some cases, especially when viewed from varying perspectives. After all, Baphomet provides the iconic symbol for satanism, as well as being the epitome of evil in religions such as christianity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet Who knows, the Nightbreed may also be linked to the "sons of god" spoken of in Genesis...
Gen 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
Gen 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown
But what is supernatural to us, can be natural to some of these other races.
Also, the question re being creations of the Devil requires that the Devil be true in the Nightbreed world, which doesn't appear to be true. Just because a Christian character might assume them to be demons because that's what would fit into his or her worldview, doesn't mean that, in the Nightbreed universe, they actually are, don't you think?
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I didn't say that it was the devil, but rather simply mentioned that Baphomet is depicted as the devil by some religions. But the supernatural does exist in the context of the Nightbreed, life after death. Humans do not live forever, but Boone does. It therefore leads one to assume that Peloquin's race once existed too, but Peloquin himself is a creature that has gone "beyond death" as Rachel puts it, hence the reason he is still in existence while the rest of his race perished at some point. So there is a mixture of other races and beings, as well as supernatural aspects that transcend life. Narcisse is another human who has crossed over to the real of being beyond death. This is not a natural state for humans and thus is supernatural by design, though by what design we never learn. Like I said, these creatures could date back to the most ancient of times, being mentioned even in the Bible in the verses I referenced above about the sons of god, albeit from a Christian's perspective. All I am saying is that they aren't simply made of of normal races, seeing that life after death is incorporated into some of the denizens of Midian, which oddly enough is also mentioned in Genesis.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Hi Saiilor :)
I don't disagree with most of what you say, it's just that I'm looking at this from outside a Christian perpective.
Also, is it clear that characters such as Peloquin weren't always immortal? I know that he is the last of his kind, but vampires, for example, are immortal in the vast majority of books and films, but they can be killed under certain conditions or by certain means. Maybe the immortal races are like this, in which case it's not supernatural for them - like I said, it might be supernatural for us, but not necessarily for them.
Not that I know for sure, I'm just bouncing ideas, working from impressions I got when I saw this film several years ago.
Your idea about the "children of god" being actual races (not necessarily related to a diety) who once existed and were woven into the Christian mythology is an interesting idea, by the way.
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You haven't seen the movie have you?
Watch the movie. It's a good movie, and will answer all of your questions.
I think they were just different but according to the dominant recording of history (by humans in ordered societies especially involving the Abrahamic Church) they were recast into evil demons by their conquerors (powers demonise their enemies all the time) just as many actual demons described in demonology texts were once Gods in various cultures, unlikely they were really anything like how they are described by their enemies... Sure they bite, but so does a wild animal.
Linking to the Genesis, as far as the movie makes nods to, the creatures of Midian were all different primeval races that existed thousands of years ago, that no doubt were the inspiration for many myths and legends(demons, Medusa, vampires...). In Genesis, it mentions that Moses lead an army to destory Midian, and all men and beast were killed(with the exception of virgin women and female children, which were given to the Israeli warriors as spoils). In context with the film, men and beast is almost the same thing, as that's probably what they were referring to, the Midianites being inhuman creatures. In the Bible(mostly Old Testament), there are many cases of non-Jewish/pagan tribes being completely wiped out of existence because they were deemed impure, sinners and were thought to be a cramp in unifying the world under God's law. The flashback of ancient Midian's destruction parallel's Decker's goal for genetic cleansing. Decker's goal was similar to the Israeli's during the destruction of ancient Midian. Of course, you could also bring up every other case of genetic/ethnic cleansing(Jewish people would fall on the opposite side during WWII, you had the whole thing in Bosnia, just to name a few).
In the end, I don't see it being strictly a religious thing, more than a human thing. The movie says that, each time, it was human agenda, fear and envy that caused their need for destruction(killing those different). It's what initiated the original Midian's destruction, and it's what initiated new Midian's destruction. Humans are the monsters, not the Nightbreed, because we can't accept differences. We always want to try to find a way to convert those different to us. Like Dr. House said regarding Circle Queens, that anything within the circle is acceptable, but everything outside has to be broken and "fixed" just so it could be let into the circle. They don't think that, maybe, those outside of the circle are happy in their own way. Their logic forbids them from seeing that, because they tell themselves that you can only be happy if you are within the circle. That's how people are, sadly.
I agree, laeyisoracle, that the basic story being told in both present day and ancient history is of a Midian that was destroyed because it contained something that does not fit inside of the box standards and normalcy that the now dominant human race has created for itself. This is not up for debate and is a point made very clear in the film. What I find fascinating is the origins of the Nightbreed themselves and how so many possess supernatural abilities and live beyond death. Peloquin himself seems to be like Boone, a transformed creature that has become something more than he once was. Boone used to be human and still retains his original appearance, much like Peloquin used to be normal by the standards of his own race and still appears that way. But we both know that there is much more to them now. What is this gift that enables them to become unbound by life as we know it? What started it? Was it considered by others of their race to be a gift or a curse? Who is Baphomet? What are his plans? Does he really only wish to protect the remnants of the great tribes, or does he have larger plans yet to be revealed? Why is his body broken and dismembered? What was Baphomet and why was he defeated in the ancient times (I assume that his current state is from a defeat)? Who defeated him? Who are Baphomet's enemies? I brought up the Sons of God earlier in the thread because it is an idea that can so easily play in to this fictional world of the Nightbreed. Maybe Baphomet was a fallen angel? It is a fascinating idea and the story is just screaming to be told. I will never understand why Clive Barker has never returned to tell us any more.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
You're trying too hard to religify this. Baphomet was a Christian propaganda corruption of The Horned God of Pagan religions. It was a corruption of an older Latin name in an anti-Pegan smear campaign and later was reused for nineteenth century occultism.
Sometimes he is depicted as a dragon. Today he is used as a symbol of religious persecution because he was an excuse for many needless Pagan deaths during the crusades. Since the entire story is about judging that which is different as evil out of fear and jealousy I strongly suspect this is the reason Clive Barker chose the name.
You should watch the VHS tape release from 1991. Clive Barker does an introduction to make it clear that none of the creatures of Midian or Baphomet are truly satanic / evil. That was kind of the point... In fact to quote his introduction "Hiding from their cruelest enemy... man." "Where deadmen can be heroes and monsters beautiful."
What you are doing in trying to demonize the breed is exactly what the story's real villains do. Here is the story's creator's own words about them.
They were meant to be perceived as victims of persecution not "secret evil" or you entirely miss the point of the story much like those that caused the film to be cut to shreds.
I've got the VHS and I have seen the interview at the start of it numerous times back in the day. I made it clear earlier that the views offered up are from outside religions and their attempts to explain the existence of these creatures and their obvious abilities to live beyond death, as Rachel puts it to Lori in the film. There is an element of the supernatural with the Nightbreed, at least with some of them and certainly with Baphomet himself. It's interesting and fun to connect this with religion (not in the sense of it being religious, but rather in how religion sets out to explain them away as the forces of evil, Satan, etc.), as it all coexists in this world of the Nightbreed. No one here is claiming that the Bible or Christianity is the final authority and certainly not trying to religify it all, but instead just debating and speculating on the way it all links together, and/or what Baphomet in the film actually is. It's fun to speculate about the sons of God as referenced in the Bible, as something could have happened at a point in early history that inspired the story, even if it is distorted by religion into something that better props up their own belief system. You aren't telling me anything here other than the obvious. I've read the script. I've read the novel. I've seen the interviews. I am not missing the point. This thread was trending into things that aren't explained in the film. Again, it's fun to speculate. Besides, Clive set this up himself by purposely using names such as Midian and Baphomet, thus drawing in religion to the story himself.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Of course there's something of the supernatural but it does not mean Satanic. They are not evil so biblical Satanic isn't the answer. The Bible took a lot of words and names from other lore. Hell for example comes from the Norse Goddess of the dead Hel. So there's a chance there might be some "lost religion" that got absorbed into Christianity.
In other words, we're on the same page and have been all along. I find the concept of Baphomet in this film fascinating. As I stated earlier in the thread, who are his enemies? I don't think he means humans specifically, though I could be wrong as we are given next to nothing on the god's background. But I wish we knew why his body was broken and why parts of him are missing. I always imagined there being a much larger war going on in some other realm where he may have possibly once existed. Others like him may have done this to him. Barker himself writes in his book, The Nightbreed Chronicles,
Many of the Breed believe he is related to the entity the Naturals call the Devil. In essence, it is the assumption of this faction that Baphomet is a fallen pretender to some celestial throne, and that under the guise of gathering the Breed together, the God is in fact gathering an army for storming the citadel he was exiled from. The God's silence on this and every other matter is perfect proof of his power
Linking to the Genesis, as far as the movie makes nods to, the creatures of Midian were all different primeval races that existed thousands of years ago, that no doubt were the inspiration for many myths and legends(demons, Medusa, vampires...). In Genesis, it mentions that Moses lead an army to destory Midian, and all men and beast were killed(with the exception of virgin women and female children, which were given to the Israeli warriors as spoils). In context with the film, men and beast is almost the same thing, as that's probably what they were referring to, the Midianites being inhuman creatures. In the Bible(mostly Old Testament), there are many cases of non-Jewish/pagan tribes being completely wiped out of existence because they were deemed impure, sinners and were thought to be a cramp in unifying the world under God's law. The flashback of ancient Midian's destruction parallel's Decker's goal for genetic cleansing. Decker's goal was similar to the Israeli's during the destruction of ancient Midian. Of course, you could also bring up every other case of genetic/ethnic cleansing(Jewish people would fall on the opposite side during WWII, you had the whole thing in Bosnia, just to name a few).
In the end, I don't see it being strictly a religious thing, more than a human thing. The movie says that, each time, it was human agenda, fear and envy that caused their need for destruction(killing those different). It's what initiated the original Midian's destruction, and it's what initiated new Midian's destruction. Humans are the monsters, not the Nightbreed, because we can't accept differences. We always want to try to find a way to convert those different to us. Like Dr. House said regarding Circle Queens, that anything within the circle is acceptable, but everything outside has to be broken and "fixed" just so it could be let into the circle. They don't think that, maybe, those outside of the circle are happy in their own way. Their logic forbids them from seeing that, because they tell themselves that you can only be happy if you are within the circle. That's how people are, sadly.
You didn't actually see the movie, that's clear.
It was a city of all sorts of supernatural beings, each with different origins and backstories. Shapeshifters, mutants, vampires, demon-like beings, perhaps demi-Gods, werewolves, psychic immortals, all sorts of creatures. It was a haven for those who had been persecuted or hunted by their "cruelest enemy... Man." to quote Clive Barker himself.
Think of it like a slightly darker underground version of Halloween Town from Nightmare before Christmas. These creatures don't all share an origin. They are just co-existing in a sanctuary where no one will harm or judge them.
It was a very interesting movie. I saw it when it came out and it still sticks.
shareIf you dont know, you should watch the movie again - and pay attention this time.
shareI believe it was anyone with a supernatural element.