Any word on the Cabal Cut?
Just wondering if Morgan Creek or anyone has released any more recent information on Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut.
shareJust wondering if Morgan Creek or anyone has released any more recent information on Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut.
I was going to ask the same question. I just have a bad feeling this is one of those things that gets talked about, but will never actually happen.
the cabal cut has been screened allover the place at festivals and what not but the new cabal cut that is around is made up of a work print video source so it looks a bit rough and thay are hoping to find the film negatives of the lost scenes if thay dont thay will be releseing it with the extra scenes from the work print apparently the BFI British film institute have offered to help out with the Restoration
i beleve we will see the cabal cut on dvd or blu ray at some point but it seams thay are trying to find the negatives 1st and if thay never turn up we will get the VHS quality footage we just have to wait and see if the negatives turn up or not but my guess is we wont see it out to buy until 2015 if we are lucky
you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid
I went to a screening of it last year. After seeing the rough quality of some scenes, I don't think there will be a proper release of this version. I'm a huuuuge fan of this movie but I must admit it was hard to watch in it's current condition. Hopefully they find a better source for the missing footage.
shareAs much as I want to see it I'd rather wait and see it in good quality if possible. I've got plenty of stuff to watch between now and then. I've waited this long, what's another couple of years?
Be horny.
but if the negatives never turn up VHS work print is all we will get i asume with help from the BFI it could end up looking like the wicker man directors cut at best if we are lucky
i really want to see this film in its full glory i dont mind waiting but if the footage never shows up i will tolerate the VHS footage as i wont have a choice but hears hoping it turns up
you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid
Agreed. If it's a choice between workprint or nothing then I'll take the workprint.
Be horny.
"seen this post on facebook
according to Russell Cherrington, Nightbreed The Cabal Cut restoration director. October 2013 will see a DVD/Blu-ray release with fully upgraded Picture & Sound with bonus extras. Just goes to show a bit of love and people power goes a long way!"
Special thanks goes to forum member fceurich39 for this breaking news update!
It's time like this, I wish Cat's Don't Dance got the same treatment.
I'll believe it when I see it.
shareIt would be great if it came out, and I will certainly pick it up on Bluray, but I hope it also contains the theatrical cut. Often, when I see extended versions, I find it messes with the pacing of the cut that made me fall in love with the film in the first place. I hear this one is exceptionally longer, and that it makes the film make a lot more sense... But, I never had a hard time understanding Nightbreed. Coming from Clive Barker, it was appropriately bizarre, but it was never a difficult story to follow.
Everyone, big news on Nightbreed Cabal Cut from Michael Plumides over at the Occupy Midian group on Facebook!!!!:
"I hear there may be a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT at COMICCON-SAN DIEGO for NIGHTBREED: THE CABAL CUT in just a few short hours! What will it be?"
BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Scream/Shout! has just announced at Comic-Con that they will release The Cabal Cut! The closed the deal on it today.
But mind you, this doesn't mean Shout! is sub-licensing films with Warner Bros.! While Warner does have the rights to Nightbreed, the Cabal Cut is a different film altogether.