MovieChat Forums > Nightbreed (1990) Discussion > Cabal Cut - still with VHS footage?

Cabal Cut - still with VHS footage?

Does the Cabal Cut still use VHS footage for many of the extended scenes, or did they end up finding 35mm replacements for it? The only information I can find gives conflicting accounts of what it looks like.

If it's VHS footage, I assume that means the blu-ray would have dips in quality. Also, how is the extended cut, is it actually significantly better?


from my resurch the 35mm footage is still missing unless it has been discovered but has yet to be announced for now i would assume that it is still just VHS work print footage

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Ok, that makes sense with what I've heard elsewhere as well. You're probably correct.



true but it will never be true HD think along the lines of the wickerman directors cut and that's the absolute best we can hope for at this time

this is what the occupy midian website has to say on the mater

It varies. Every effort has been made with the footage, but it can only be as good as the source material. The quality ranges from old VHS to DVD quality. The bad quality footage has been digitally altered where possible to make it as good as can be. Though far from Bluray quality, it is perfectly watchable. And as soon as the original negatives can be sourced, The Cabal Cut can be made high-def!

and in regards to a dvd/blu ray

The Cabal Cut in its current form will just be shown at screenings set up by the restoration director Russell Cherrington. There is at present no date set for commercial releases in any country. But the process to prepare the film for release will start in 2013. This process will involve restoring the work print footage from being of poor quality to that of commercially releasable.

and this is something i found interesting

An authorised 'making of Nightbreed' coffee table book, scheduled for the 25th anniversary in 2014 from Phil & Sarah Stokes over at Clive's official Webpage Revelations, with plenty of unpublished items from Clive's archive and elsewhere.

A making of Nightbreed documentary is in production, covering the making of the original film alll the way to the Cabal Cut, with participation from all the cast and crew.

Morgan Creek are also currently pitching a Nightbreed TV series to studios. This is not though written or directed by Clive.

so im going to guess we may see it on dvd/blu ray in 2014 or 2015 at the latest

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Thanks for the information, Zach. I look forward to seeing the Cabal Cut at last. Old VHS quality can be cleaned up. They did it with Superman The Movie Restored International Cut, made by fans using various VHS sources from the one time airing of the movie replete with all of the deleted scenes intact. Too bad that version has never been officially released and remains a hard to obtain bootleg. But if fans could accomplish that, then I have confidence that an official release of Nightbreed can give us a nice quality depiction of the VHS footage.

I have often thought that Nightbreed would make for an interesting TV series. They can do a lot now on TV, and there is plenty of story to be told. Too bad that barker won't be involved, though that could change I suppose!

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Well if anyone's got the coin to do it now, it's Scream Factory.

Maybe I'll just sit here and bleed at you.
