MovieChat Forums > Nightbreed (1990) Discussion > Is Danny Elfman returning?

Is Danny Elfman returning?

Is Elfman going to score some additional music for the extended version to cover all of the material that has no music? I seem to recall reading a while back that he had expressed some interest in providing additional music. I hope he has come back to enhance the film, as new music would be better than having to loop music from other parts of the theatrical cut to cover the new footage.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Amen. However, I'd be extremely surprised.


Scream Factory tweeted that he's not. I wish he was but, as always, he's got a very busy slate.


That's disappointing. Oh well, do you know if they will have temp music or if they will just rework existing Elfman music into the deleted scenes?

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


don't think there'd be any need for his return.

as far as i know, this isn't a "new" version put together. this cut existed back in the day, it was Barker's cut handed over but the studio didn't like it so it was edited and cut apart etc... and became the version we saw in theaters. so i imagine Elfman had already scored the stuff that's been put back. now Barker recently said this isn't literally the Cabal Cut all new and shiny so i'm sure there will have to be some tweaking needed but that's nothing new and done all the time on movies. certain musical beats and themes are often repeated within the same movie.


No, the cut that was screened had what is called a temp score, other music edited in to give an impression of what the completed film would be like. Elfman's score was not done at the time, and that is obvious by how the music for the theatrical cut was obviously written and scored for the theatrical cut, including the several scenes that were filmed later in the reshoots. No Elfman score exists for the original cut.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


ah, i did not realize they used a temp score for the Cabal cut. that'll be interesting to see then!


Yes, I am interested to see how they have retooled the score to fit all of the extended scenes.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


One bit in particular that I hope they don't "loop" is the very distinct motif where Lori is exploring Midian and she comes across that creature that looks like a cancerous mound of flesh. A very nice choral bit, but one that needs to remain in that moment alone. I think I heard it 3 times in the Cabal cut.


Interesting factoid about The Cabal Cut. You are talking about "Carnival Underground" from the soundtrack. I love that tune, but it is one of the standout themes and could be distracting to hear it reused. I figure a lot of looping will frequent the new cut. There is some music in the closing credits that doesn't appear in the film that could be looped into the new cut, I think. Also, they could take music from scenes that have to be removed from the theatrical edition, such as the original finale where Decker is resurrected, and used in the alternate footage instead. I hope it all plays out well.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


That's a good idea tapping the resurrection music. I bet if they have access to the score tapes, there's some material that was never used in the film.

One thing I just learned yesterday - I was leafing through the Barker book "Pandemonium" and noticed a still of Barker holding a knife up to Narcisse's neck, presumably for Cronenberg (or his double) to mimic. That would imply that they actually shot footage of Narcisse being decapitated, instead of only the head-on-knife aftermath that the Cabal cut shows.

Can't wait for the many unanswered questions -


So, The Cabal Cut doesn't show Decker kill Narcisse? Hmmm, interesting. I hope they do show it in this new version. I mean, the scene you describe with Barker does seem to imply it. In any case, they will have to remove the scene of Narcisse saying farewell to Boone and Lori at the end, which will interrupt the musical cue "Farewell" for that scene.

There is definitely some scenes in the theatrical release that will have to be excised to make way for the original content, though I am not sure how much. Some of the new content from the reshoots can stay, such as John Agar as the crazy old man that Decker kills, or the added scene of Decker killing Arnie and the receptionist at the Sweetgrass Inn. That stuff doesn't contradict anything.

Speaking of unused music, there is a small cue of music from the track on the soundtrack called "Ressurrection Suite" that features a 45 second bit of music not heard in the theatrical cut of the film.

I too am looking so forward to seeing (and hearing) how they have put all of this stuff together.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


"ah, i did not realize they used a temp score for the Cabal cut."

Just to show some evidence for you on the subject matter,

While the process of what Barker later described as "preview testing hell" continued, other studio pressures also mounted...

"I delivered Nightbreed in a first cut with a temporary soundtrack. It didn't test well at all. The characters' motives and the monsters as good guys caused confusion. I cleaned up those narrative lines and the next preview went better. There was this nice feeling at Fox - a sense if we could get a few extras right and offer a punchier ending we'd be fine."

Interesting snippets I think.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
