Scream Factory has issued a press release for their upcoming release Of NIGHTBREED: THE CABAL CUT and I just posted it at my blog: you can check it out by clicking here -
That pleases me and depresses me no end at the same time.
It pleases me because FINALLY! After long goddam last, the full directors of cut of this great movie will be out on Blu-ray!
It depresses me because the føkking kønts of Scream Factory are the ones doing. And they are indeed kønts for being one of the FEW companies that employ the oppressive region locking system. How dare they??? They operate in catalogue titles, of the niche kind, and releases Blu-ray's of movies with fans all over the world, and in many cases their release is THE ONLY ONE avialble. Region locking a release in those circumstances are inexcusable.
People all over the world have been clamoring for a Nightbreed release. Emplying the region locking here is flipping over everyone all over the world who supported the Midian campaign who is not based in the US.
It's called a region free player. They exist. Buy one. There are plenty of films that get nice treatments for overseas that we don't get here in America. Either do without, or get a player that overrides region codes. Bitching about it here will change nothing.
- - - - - - - Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Yeah, pretty much what Solar Sailor said, Blu-ray players that let you swicth regions are much easier to get now than a few years ago. Toshiba do some nice ones. Also, if you wait and see it may well be region free. Many of the Shout Factory/Scream Factory releases are actually region free even though they say region A on the sleeve. Two I can mention straight off the top of my head are Ninja III and Vampire Lovers.
Just got a press release from Scream Factory with the 1st specs for NIGHTBREED: THE DIRECTOR'S CUT, which will be sold in two different versions. For the full details, click here -
I just posted a news report with an updated set of full specs for both versions of Scream Factory's NIGHTBREED: THE DIRECTOR'S CUT release - click here to read all the details: