MovieChat Forums > Nightbreed (1990) Discussion > nobody wanted a sequel

nobody wanted a sequel

i like sequels but most people always say sequels suck. i would guess most people are glad there is no sequel


Sequels don't suck when the same people make them. They only tend to suck when a studio suddenly has a surprise hit on their hands and decide they need to start milking it for all it's worth. Cabal was written with sequel novels in mind. Clive Barker had a story to tell, and this was the first part of a trilogy he had planned. He frequently spoke about this in old interviews from back in the day. I can live without a sequel film, though I really do wish it would have gotten a chance to continue. That wasn't in the cards, though. What really disappoints me is that Clive's bad experience with making the film seemed to cause him to lose interest in writing the two sequel books to Cabal. I suppose he may yet get back around to it, especially with the new surge in interest that his old film is getting (which was a long time coming), but really, I am not holding my breath. The best we may get is the TV show that is being considered. Once it finishes adapting the Cabal novel, perhaps the stories that come later will involve ideas that Clive himself dictates. Who really knows, though. I just wish he'd write the novels!

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?


the novels would be great for sure
