MovieChat Forums > Nightbreed (1990) Discussion > Better horror from 1990

Better horror from 1990

Just saw the director's cut of Nightbreed and I can assure you that it's just as terrible as the theatrical version. Nothing could ever save this film... I was fooling myself, I guess.

Nightbreed apparently had a budget of $11 million so I did a quick survey of 1990 horror/fantasy films that I actually like. Some had double+ the budget but this should give a good idea of what was actually possible for directors to accomplish 24 years ago...

The Witches - ???
The Guardian - ???
Bride of Re-Animator - ???
The Reflecting Skin - ???
Begotten - $33,000
Hardware - $1,500,000
Basket Case 2 - $2,500,000
Frankenhooker - $2,500,000
Tales from the Darkside: The Movie - $3,500,000
Maniac Cop 2 - $4,000,000
Night of the Living Dead - $4,200,000
The Rainbow Thief - $10,000,000
The Exorcist III - $11,000,000
Tremors - $11,000,000
Darkman - $16,000,000
Misery - $20,000,000
Jacob's Ladder - $20,000,000
Arachnophobia - $31,000,000
Robocop 2 - $35,000,000
Predator 2 - $35,000,000
Gremlins 2: The New Batch - $50,000,000

Anyway, that was my last time watching Nightbreed, forever. RIP.


Speak for yourself. Many people are enjoying the hell out of the film's new cut. Sorry you didn't like it, but your assurances go no further than your own four walls.

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?


I think the OP is one of those horror fans that was disappointed by Nightbreed because he expected a more typical horror film out of Nightbreed. But it's not really a horror film. It's a dark, romantic, fantasy film. And I love it!


I think he's one of those idiots that thinks the entire world should give a crap about his opinion.


I'm with you 100%. The movie's a mess that COULD be saved with hefty editing but would be an hour long. Strange thing is I've tried so hard to like it over the years and given it more chances than any other film, yet every time I'm left feeling disappointed. DC put it to bed though, I'm not wasting another penny on it


I find it utterly strange when people try and try to give a movie a chance, as if that means something. If you don't like it, you don't like it. An extended cut isn't going to magically make you like it. Why torture yourself watching something time and again when you know you don't like it? Strange. If I don't like something, I move on.

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?


Well if you've watched any of the other cuts of Alien 3 you'd know - provided you're at all invested in that franchise - a far superior version of it is possible. I'm a fan of Clive Barkers work with probably more collected items of his than any other artist / writer / filmmaker, so yeah I'm going to give what I think is his one "stinker" a second chance.

I find it utterly strange to NOT give something you initially dislike a second go, many of the foods, music, films… whatever, that I love now are things that initially didn't like. Acquired taste is often the most binding.


You're an idiot.
