MovieChat Forums > Nightbreed (1990) Discussion > Stupid question about Cabal cut

Stupid question about Cabal cut

I just finished what I think was the Cabal cut (what Nightbreed would have been had Barker been granted more createive control). First of all, I'm not a hater-troll, and I liked the Cabal cut although the extra scenes didn't really change the tone of the film imo.

One of the things I noticed about the Cabal cut was how different everyone sounded. Wasn't Cabal compiled from the same footage, or did they reshoot the entire movie twice way back in 1990 when it was initially released?


I doubt you saw the Cabal Cut. That is only shown at special events and is not available anywhere for sale or even as a download on the internet. It was made from the low quality VHS footage found in a storehouse several years back and has re-edited several times in attempts to better tweak it. Russell Cherrington and Mark Miller were responsible for that effort if I am not mistaken, and fans across the world have them to thank for starting the movement to get this out to fans. A lot of work went into the Cabal Cut and it is what led to the official release of the Director's Cut, which is what I believe you had to have seen instead. It is available on Netflix as we speak.

Scream factory (Shout Factory) released back in October the Director's Cut of Nightbreed. They found the original film negatives and restored the film to a far better quality than anyone was ever hoping to see. When they first announced this at the start of the year, the plan was to use the VHS source material, cleaned up as good as could be. Who knew all the original film negatives would be found. Anyhow, Clive Barker himself supervised the recut of the film, with Mark Miller and Andrew Furtado working closely with him to edit and restore things to what Clive saw fit. It is not a version of the film that contains every deleted scene, but rather a completely new cut that Clive feels better represents his vision. It contains about forty minutes of new or alternate footage, yet is only about twenty minutes longer in running time than the theatrical cut. Some of the theatrical cut content has been removed.

As for the voices, Doug Bradley was always intended to voice Lylesburg, but the studio hired some German-accented man to dub the character at the last minutes. From my understanding, actor Doug Bradley re-recorded his lines for the Cabal Cut and that was used in the new DC as well, though curiously a couple of scenes still feature the original German dub. Consider that some new scenes featuring Lylesburg did not have a German dub, another reason to use Bradley's real voice. The actress that plays Rachel, Catherine Chevalier, did not return to do any work, and most likely no one knows who dubbed her originally. So extra scenes with Rachel feature the original actress's voice. Even scenes of Boone during the finale have that silly monster voice removed, instead feature Craig Sheffer's original voice.

It's a small price to pay to see a longer cut of the film delivered by Barker himself. Had he gotten to release his original version back in the day, it would have been far easier to have consistency in things like the voice dubs. but hey, this is work being done twenty-five years later, and I think it's pretty darned great! 

I don't think the tone of the film was intended to change by this new cut. It was a horror-fantasy before, and it is a horror-fantasy now. It's just fleshed out a little better now and adheres a bit more closley to the ideas presented in the novel. We get more on Boone and Lori and it really builds Lori into more than just the girlfriend like she was in the theatrical cut. It gets rid of Decker being the star, instead killing him off permanently as intended and introducing Ashberry as the new villain. And overall, it shows Boone step up and become a leader during the finale, taking on the responsibility of Midian's savior. I like the theatrical cut, but I really love the new Director's Cut. I hope you watch it a few more times and let it all sink in. 

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?


So there's a new director's cut and a Cabal cut?


Yes. The Cabal Cut, to my knowledge, spliced together as much footage as possible between the theatrical DVD and the extra stuff found on old crumbly VHS tapes. Some of the footage was really grainy and low quality. It was digitized from the VHS source and worked on to some degree to restore some audio, etc. There have been several edits of the Cabal Cut over the years. I have never seen one because it has never shown anywhere close to where I live, but the conventions and such that showed it helped to stir up interest in the project as Morgan Creek and Warner brothers started seeing that there really was potential to make money from this title, which FINALLY led to the discovery of the lost original negatives and thus the Director's Cut being released by Shout Factory.

Again, the Cabal Cut is NOT available anywhere unless you attend a screening. The Cabal Cut is NOT the Director's Cut.

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?


Will the Cabal cut ever be made commercially available?


I don't really know. A good place to ask would be on the Facebook page, "Occupy Midian". There are several there who are more knowledgeable than I.

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Whose idea was it for the word LISP to have an S in it?
