I'll admit that the geography is a little vague in both the book and the movie, but Midian and Shere Neck are not just outside of Calgary. They're as much as a couple hundred miles north of Edmonton in the area of Peace River. In the movie, the guy tells Boone that Midian is north of Athabasca and east of Peace River, which puts it many, many miles into the northern bush -- about as far north as you can drive on a decent road in Alberta. So, they're actually way out in the wilderness, very far away from anything urban.
That having been said, the nature of the town of Shere Neck is a bit vague. In the movie, they say that there's a rodeo going on in town, but, frankly, although Alberta is generally known for cattle ranches, they wouldn't really be doing that that far north. With that many white people (as opposed to a population of mostly Native Indians), they could be farmers -- farming is done that far north in Alberta.
I'll agree that a lot of the accents of the townspeople sound a bit off. A couple of them do sound too much like hillbillies in the U.S. But, regardless of what their accents are, there are a lot of rednecks in Alberta, and, even if Shere Neck and Midian were close to Calgary, there's no shortage of rednecks in and around Calgary.
Canada has different gun laws than the U.S., but there are a lot of people in the Canadian West who love their hunting rifles and their pickup trucks.