Jonathon Brandis hung himself in his own house with other people there. *sobs* Some say that if his friend would have walked in the hallway a littlte sooner then he did, then Jonathon Brandis could have been saved! How sad! You can also go to and look him up and it will tell you the WHOLE story on what happened.
"You are who you are the only trick is not getting caught" -Clea DuVall
I agree with you completely. I've known about his death since about two weeks afterwards and I am still not over it. I can barely think about him without getting a really awfull headache.
It is extremely tragic. I was looking Brandis up to see what else he had starred in, so I could look it up, because I thought his performance in Neverending Story II was convincing, it was just a shame the film was not as good as the first. It was so shocking as I found him and found out he had died on my Dad's 51st Birthday. I was in a state of shock for ages. It is one of the most tragic things when anyone commits suicide, and you soon start to ask yourself why. Speaking of which, does anyone really know why he did hang himself?
he hung himself because he was depressed. and that he couldnt start his acting career over. but i dont understand why someone would committ suicide because of that...i mean i can understand the depression part but the "couldnt start his career over" why would he kill himself because of that?? why would anyone committ suicide over that reason?? why couldnt he just have tried new and better things with his career?? yesterday i watched seaquest all day and i got extremely sad! ******sooobbbbbbbsssss******
Yeah, i am still in shock its insane! But this is my opinion I dont think he killed himself over his career i think he was really depressed and he couldnt think staight on what he was doing idk maybe bills were getting back life its self but i dont think he sat down and said on my career is going down hill im gonna hang myself in his hallway. Idk maybe he didnt see away outa his black hole. But i really dont think he wanted to die i think it was more of a cry for help ya know? Like why would he kill himself with a bunch of people in the other room? I think he wanted someone to take him seriously that he serious about killing himself and when no one came maybe idk he just did it without thinking. Does that make any sense? I dont think he wanted to die but he was depressed and he couldnt get out of it.
He was the coolest kid on TV. Hilarious in LadyBugs. The best part of SeaQuest.
One day, perhaps in part due to this death, Depression won't be seen as a weakness, but a treatable disease. Sorry that you can't SEE it eating away at people like a flesh eating bacteria, but it's just as devastating and thousands of times more prevalent.
Most doctors even give free samples of meds so there's no risk if it doesn't work for you, no stigma on your record.... and if it does work, hell, I think you'll be happier to be HAPPY.
I read he was struggling to get his career together, and it seemed he was making a comeback. but we don't know what was on his mind at the time of his death. it could have had to do with his career, or it could have been a number of things. I wonder if he ever talked to anyone about how he was feeling at the time.
HiFis around me, HiTech just turns me on From my Video to my Radio
I don't know which is sadder, Jonathan Brandis' death or River Phoenix's. Both were so incredibly talented and beautiful - it's just not right how it ended for them...
"The new UPs guy was like walking porn!" - Legally Blonde: The Musical