Why Bastian is an idiot in both movies
Part 1, along with the goonies, is my favorite movie of all time... But Bastian is an idiot. Say the Empress name! Even if you don't believe, just say a name outloud! I would have said a name in the very beginning, as a joke... I mean jeez... I think most people would say something even without even realizing it. Not him... and then he waits till its obvsious. Still doesnt say anything. Then the damn empress is crying and yelling at him... AND HE STILL WAITS!
Part 2 was one of the worst movies ever made. And Bastian is a billion times dummer in this one. "I wish for a step, I wish for another, I wish for another step, and I wish for another step" are... are you serious! I don't even remember if he knew he was losing memories at this point its been so long ago... but regardless... its still a hassle doing it his way and idiotic. How about "i wish for a staircase" or "I wish I was inside this place" genious.
Part 3, I only saw parts of and.... ugh. Since when was the rockbiter human size? The baby one was smaller then bastian if I remember...