Why Bastian is an idiot in both movies

Part 1, along with the goonies, is my favorite movie of all time... But Bastian is an idiot. Say the Empress name! Even if you don't believe, just say a name outloud! I would have said a name in the very beginning, as a joke... I mean jeez... I think most people would say something even without even realizing it. Not him... and then he waits till its obvsious. Still doesnt say anything. Then the damn empress is crying and yelling at him... AND HE STILL WAITS!

Part 2 was one of the worst movies ever made. And Bastian is a billion times dummer in this one. "I wish for a step, I wish for another, I wish for another step, and I wish for another step" are... are you serious! I don't even remember if he knew he was losing memories at this point its been so long ago... but regardless... its still a hassle doing it his way and idiotic. How about "i wish for a staircase" or "I wish I was inside this place" genious.

Part 3, I only saw parts of and.... ugh. Since when was the rockbiter human size? The baby one was smaller then bastian if I remember...


wow your pretty funny. but i must say that i do agree with you on part 1 and 2 i never saw 3. jonathan brandis not a good bastian. I also read your goonies comment and now i'm gonna go watch the deleted scenes.


Don't watch 3 - it's extremely disloyal to the series & poorly written to top it off. The Rock Biter is just 1 of many pitiful costumes - think it's the only movie I caught the crude effects.
I thought Jonathan Brandis was an OK actor, though for some odd reason I liked Barrett Oliver better - maybe because if the 1st 2 movies had attempted 2 tell the novel story, Bastian would've still been 9 or 10, not 12, so he didn't seem as innocent or anything. In the 1st movie he doesn't have much self-worth, which was mentioned in Ende's novel. The problem w/the 2nd is his self-worth and bravery, which we get a glimpse of in the end of #1, are gone.


bastian is far more complex
in the novel i love the first
movie but its really pales in
comparison to the novel proper
also xayide is supposed to be
far scarier than in part two.





Part 2 was one of the worst movies ever made. And Bastian is a billion times dummer in this one. "I wish for a step, I wish for another, I wish for another step, and I wish for another step" are... are you serious! I don't even remember if he knew he was losing memories at this point its been so long ago... but regardless... its still a hassle doing it his way and idiotic. How about "i wish for a staircase" or "I wish I was inside this place" genious.

Haha, that's funny!!! Or how about "I wish for a spray can!" Why didn't he wish for NO MORE GIANTS!!!



Toooo funny!!



I agree... i mean the staircase things I was like... YOU RETARD! I wanted to smack the CRAP out of him.

I think that if you are going to go invisiable then listen to WHOLE conversation not only to what YOU want to hear. Then why put on the belt again if you didn't like it the first time.


A staircase doesn't necessarily have stairs. You can have an empty staircase, and if he had said that, an empty staircase could have appeared. Plus, he's just saying what he was told to say. It's not his fault that the writers wrote it that way, but i like the way it was written, so oh well.

Rachel Weisz for Evelyn in The Mummy 3!!!
Out with Maria Bello!!!


Whoa, this is trippy, when I wrote that, I hadn't even seen it, but I wrote that I liked the way it was written, and I just finished watching it, and I like it. Odd...of course, I think I remember seeing it once before a REALLY long time ago.

"My dad is Buddhist, my mom is Roman-Catholic, so I normally tell people I'm Jewish."
-Lynn Chang


how about wishing that he could fly, or that he could jump faster, or how about an rock that floats to the top. Would be faster and would take less effort


Dude,i never saw an "empty" staircase... if you want a STAIR CASE ...it has STAIRS IN IT,right?


"Talk sense to a fool...and he calls you foolish" -- Euripides


Well, you could have a hole that USED to lead somewhere, but now it's all deteriorated and broken, and there's maybe half a step at the bottom of the........wait for it..........rather EMPTY staircase.

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


The Neverending Story one is a classic no doubt. The sequal, well, the only thing that really help that movie together for me was the fact that, at least kept to the storyline on the novel in some small way. But did Bastian even leave Fantasia before those things happened? No. As far as part 3 goes it didn't follow the storyline of the novel at all but I think it's a fun movie and Jack Black has pretty funny in it.

You know the enemy of my enemy is often considered my friend.
- Joxer


I agree. But Bastian was in the 2nd movie so friggin annoying...those SURPRISED/SCARED faces combo ,was extremely annoying.I tried to break my right testicle,so i could concentrate to a lesser pain ... (lol,wtf did i just say?)

The only thing i realy liked in 2nd movie was Falcor and that bird-spy (Quickie or Speedie...or something)
"Talk sense to a fool...and he calls you foolish" -- Euripides


I agree on the 2nd part... haven't watched the 3rd movie.

About the 1st part -- you must understand he was scared and confused etc. ;) but who cares,it was still unnerving.A bit of suspance, if you will...

Anyway,in the 2nd part when i saw Atreyu being caught by the "Giants" (The dumbest *beep* monsters arround - their weaknes: friggin kiddie firecrackers).When he was hanging over some pit ,and his AXE FELL ...i said immediately "YOU *beep* IDIOT!!!!"...seriously,i wanted to peal off my skin from my face,lol.

Ofcourse,the witch was also a total crackpot...if she can send 2 giants in the centre of every friggin city in Fantasia, why not send a few more of those

"Talk sense to a fool...and he calls you foolish" -- Euripides


I can forgive Bastian in the first one...remember, it was Atreyu doing all the action and Bastian was just reading about it. It's understandable that he didn't realize he was a part of the story. In fact, I'd be a little worried and conduct some reality testing if he thought he was in the story and not just reading a book.

But the second one...I remember as a kid wanting to slap the crap out of him for the "I wish for a step" thing. As many people pointed out there were so many other wishes he could have done that would have made more sense. This also isn't one of those "well if he'd done that there'd be no movie" situations either...the wishes for singular steps were not essential to the film.
