Good Movie

Of course it's not as good as the first, but how could it be, the first one is a classic that no sequal could live up to, the only reason most people hate this film is because they used different actors than in the original, I bet, if they used the same actors as in I, you would have enjoyed II. I personally, like them both.


I agree. I like this too.



Brandis should have also been in the first one.

OVER 1,200 members and 100,000 posts.


I think your all crazy the film was awful,I loved the original so much.They should of made it straight after the first with Wolfgang Peterson and the same crew and cast.This looked like a cheap made for T.v. movie.

'Are you gonna bark all day little doggy?or arya gonna bite?'MR BLONDE


This movie was AMAZING :D It's still based on material from the original books and also has a totally rad villain. The effects, music, and the settings were amazing and frankly you should be talking *beep* about part III, not this one.


The movie was good,and when i was little i friggin' LOVED IT...Oh,hell,i love it anyway even today.

The only bad thing about it is that,sometimes,it feels rushed...Other than that,an entertaining story with a REALLY good message and great sfx and settings (the silver town is,even by today standard,really well designed).


I bet, if they used the same actors as in I, you would have enjoyed II.

... Possibly, but I think that's a pretty big 'if' to start off with, anyway! Continuity - in what is, after all, SUPPOSED to be a continuation - is extremely important.

It's made from bits of real panther, so you know it's good...


i have to completely disagree with you here. it was as if the nothing took over the first movie and the second movie was the result, because this movie was a malevolent force sent to suck the imagination and inspiration from our lives. the dialogue was repugnant, the characters were shallow, the jokes were lame, the plot was a poor re-arranging of the first movie's, and the robots looked like something from a power rangers episode.

i don't usually make a point to post about a movie i dislike, but this one was so bad that i had to. i loved the first one, but i found this one insufferable.


It was a good movie. See my own post(Who else actually liked this movie?) to see my opinons on it.


the movie sucked brandis kept screaming and over acting it was badly written
