The Speed of Darkness.. um ok.....

A quote from this movie really sums up the gist of it....

"they will travel at the speed of darkness, because it is faster than the speed of light" They were referring to the witch in this movie.

Ya, well darkness is the absense of light, so their speeds should be the same. Then is when I realized parts of this movie were somewhat retarded : P


Actually, darkness could be considered faster than light.

Darkness is absolute. Only light can distort it. But, darkness always exists in some form.


Right,but if darkness is the absense of everything ... how can it moove faster then? It doesnt... depends if you look at this in Mach's prespective,Neutonian (absolute) prespective or more modern prespective...

It's like saying: Is moovement considered only when a point of refference is defined,or is moovement an absolute in every occasion... you will see that this question can't be solved that easily if you know what i'm talking about ;)

"Talk sense to a fool...and he calls you foolish" -- Euripides


and move and all words associated with the word move is spelled M-O-V-E.

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


Do you seriously expect quantum mechanics and general relativity in a fantasy movie for children? lol.. I always thought it fitting for the setting of Fantasia, speed of darkness, luck dragon, rock giants that eat rock.. why not?

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"
