Why the Terrible casting for Atreyu and the empress??
I love the Original Neverending story, one of my favorite movies, and also my favorite characters in the movie were Atreyu Falkor and the empress, I totally love them as a kid, to me they were so amazing
Now when I saw the sequel i was probably the most disappointed I've ever been with a movie as young as I was. I just didn't understand why they would change everything so much.
Both Atreyu and the empress were so different this time around. Why? why couldn't they get kids that at least resembled the original characters? I know the original actors were too old by then, But It was like they didn't even try to make this feel like as sequel. It was like these were completely new and different characters.
actually to me, it would have made more sense if Jonathan Brandis was cast as atreyu, I don't only mean looks but acting as well, like they should have reversed roles or something, Jonathan Brandis would have made a pretty good Atreyu in my opinion, he kinda had the attitude that Atreyu had in the first one,
Kenny Morrison was more like a sweet kid, like a best friend or something, not the warrior we saw from the first one. Like i said, they both reminded me of their opposite roles from the first one, the way he acted
Morrison totally kept making me think of the Bastian of the original movie, I guess they shared something, like an innocence to them that Brandis totally didn't have, and Brandis was not a good Bastian either, this movie's characters are all messed up,
The same thing happened with the empress, this is a smaller part in the movie, so is not as bad, but, I still wish they chosen someone that felt closer to the character from the first one, I remember when I saw the empress in the movie I was thinking, who is that? then when i realized it was her again i was like What the hell?
I actually don't think this movie is as bad as everyone else says, I think for me the weak points of the movie are the beginning and the end, but when they are in fantasia it was fine actually, I mean, I didn't hate it, is just, whoever was in charge of casting the parts Completely Failed, that really was an Epic fail, I really wish to know what were they thinking