When You're In Danger...

...just hope that you have a can of either spray paint, household cleaner, or disinfectant rather than a gun, or a knife.

I mean how could that kid wish for a can of spray as a weapon of choice? I, my older brother (as little kids then), and even Atreyu are like "a spray can?! You got to be kidding me? That's your weapon of choice?"

I also can't believe that no one besides me addressed how ridiculous wishing for a spay can on this site. You'd think that would of been addressed. But I will cut people some slack because there are a lot of moronic elements in this story that defies common sense. Wishing one step at a time instead of all at once; making several wishes just on Smurg; a warrior being easily taken down by a kid who couldn't dive off a diving board wearing a pair of clown bathing suit and had to get books on courage to deal with that.


What didn't make sense is how Bastion passed up the opportunity to turn the tables on a highly vulnerable Xayide.
