When You're In Danger...
...just hope that you have a can of either spray paint, household cleaner, or disinfectant rather than a gun, or a knife.
I mean how could that kid wish for a can of spray as a weapon of choice? I, my older brother (as little kids then), and even Atreyu are like "a spray can?! You got to be kidding me? That's your weapon of choice?"
I also can't believe that no one besides me addressed how ridiculous wishing for a spay can on this site. You'd think that would of been addressed. But I will cut people some slack because there are a lot of moronic elements in this story that defies common sense. Wishing one step at a time instead of all at once; making several wishes just on Smurg; a warrior being easily taken down by a kid who couldn't dive off a diving board wearing a pair of clown bathing suit and had to get books on courage to deal with that.