Tri Face Played By a Teenager???

According to IMDb, the character Tri Face was played by an American actor named Christopher Burton who would've been no older than 14 when The NeverEnding Story 2 came out. I don't believe this at all. The actor who played Tri Face looks and sounds like an old English man. What the hell is going on here?


think about how many actors play teens who are actually pushing 30 and 40 lol

Shirley Jones was 40 when she did the last potter film

Heck head of the class was no there real age

rachel True was pushing 30 when the film was out

tons of actors play older or younger then they actually are


I believe you mean Shirley Henderson, the actress who played Moaning Myrtle. Shirley jones from The partridge family was never in any of the Harry Potter films!
