Young Mike Lazlo

Is there anyone out there that knows who played young Mike Lazlo in "Music Box?" He is in all of the pictures that are used and I am curious to find out who played him.

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It may be a possibility, but you also have to consider that young Mike Lazlo was in several different photos in different positions. And considering the year the film was made, cgi would not have been possible.

"Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"


I have wondered for years myself who the guy in the photos is - I suspect it is a young Brad Pitt. This movie was done back in 89, when he was just starting out his career in Hollywood, so it could easily be him. I belive he started out modeling.

Does anyone else see the resemblance?


Looks like Cary Elwes to me. But it's most likely a photo of Armin Mueller-Stahl in his youth, super-imposed on another photo.

"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal." ~~ Albert Camus



I don't think it was a picture of the young Armin Mueller-Stahl.
When you google a bit around and check some of his first black/white movies then there isn't any similarity to the picture in Music Box.

I would go for Brat Pitt.

Here you can finde some b/w pictures:

Here from Cutting Glas(1989)

Or here from 1994:

That fitts just too good to be wrong.

But can anyone confirm it?



There's no way in Hell this is a "young Brad Pitt." Pitt isn't even all the good looking. It's clearly someone else entirely, but unfortunately for everyone, he's uncredited for some reason. What a shame because had he been mentioned and been a working actor, I'm sure he would have had a nice career boost.


Young Mike Lazlo doesn't look like Brad Pitt at all, but neither does it look like Armin.

Here is Armin when he was youngish:

The young guy in the pics is way handsomer -- and handsomer than Brad Pitt.

I looked with no luck for a pic of the young Lazlo that was shown in the movie.



Brad Pitt?! What are you guys smoking?

That guy looks nothing like Brad Pitt.

Yeah, I'm also interested who he is. Anyone in the whole wide world?



if anyone find out who this is let me know..

on [email protected]..

to me it is something Matt Damon young version and Dougray Scott

it could be a Armin young but..


Aside from how much he looks like Brad Pitt or not, most of us would know about it if it was, due to his celebrity.


Has anyone asked Brad? Why would we know? Do most of us know he was in a commercial for Pringles back in the 80s?

Based on the modeling photos I've seen of Brad back in the 80s I still believe it very well may be him. Very similar facial features. Why don't you locate a screen grab and check it on my heritage before you draw any conclusions based on what you believe "most of us" would know.

I still say it looks more like him than anyone else suggested so far.

Savoir, c'est pouvoir


Looks like the young Franco Nero.


You're right, it looks a lot like him !
