please explain without making fun.
Paul wrote a book which Annie buys and reads while he recovers. There, Misery dies which sets her off.
In the meantime, she takes his script for the new book, and makes him burn it. I don't get it. What was the content of that? She didn't read it. Who says this is not the revival of her Misery?
To sum up, why does she make him re-write what she never read.
He killed off Misery in his latest published book. Annie goes crazy because he killed her favorite character and he has to write new book about Misery returning to life.
The manuscript she burns is his new book unrelated to Misery. Paul was sick of Misery books and wanted to write about something else. She did read it (or at least part of it) and she didn’t like it, because of swearing, she thought it had no nobility.
It’s the scene where she feeds him in the bed and then starts yelling about profanities and spills the soup on him.
Annie Wilkes:
It's the swearing, Paul. It has no nobility.
Paul Sheldon:
These are slum kids, I was a slum kid. Everybody talks like that.
Annie Wilkes:
THEY DO NOT! At the feedstore do I say, "Oh, now Wally, give me a bag of that F-in' pig feed, and a pound of that bitchly cow corn"? At the bank do I say, "Oh, Mrs. Malenger, here is one big bastard of a check, now give me some of your Christ-ing money!" THERE, LOOK THERE, NOW SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!
Yeah, his last Misery novel was just released and I think he couldn’t wait to start fresh and write something new. That’s why he went to the cabin hotel to finish his manuscript.
Now I feel like watching Misery, it’s one of my favorites. It’s been a while, I tend to watch it every couple of years.
I would recommend reading a book too, it’s really good. More brutal than the film, there are some differences.
I'm watching it again right now after binging Castle Rock. Probably my 4th or 5th time watching it. He just got out of the room and found her drug stash. He takes a few of the pain meds There was a lot of other stuff there and most likely syringes. He could have done some damage quickly.
She did read it. That's why she was so angry. She was expecting another misery novel but instead it was about neighbourhood kids robbing cars(I think) and alot of swearing. It was completely different to Misery and it infuriated her. She also read the new Misery book in which she died. She made him burn his new manuscript and instead write a new Misery novel in which she lives and has another story for Annie to love and cherish.
It gets a bit confusing but yeah, the manuscript is entirely separate to Misery’s Child. Both send her to crazytown for different reasons.
It think the idea was to show how nuts she goes over a ‘book’ she has no emotional investment in - forcing him to burn it while threatening to burn him if he doesn’t comply. This was likely intended to make the audience shit themselves over how she’s going to react to Misery’s death - something for which she does have emotional investment (an unhealthy amount).
If I had to explain it, then I would be making fun of the OP. The OP stated they don't want to be made fun of. Therefore a plot hole is the easiest answer I can give
"If I had to explain it, then I would be making fun of the OP."
What on earth makes you think that? The OP may have no knowledge of the story at all, or may have missed a plot point that others could've, too. There's no harm or mockery in a simple explanation, as the responders here have done.