With Bruce Frickin' Willis as Paul Sheldon, and Laurie Metcalf as Annie Wilkes! How cool is that?! I've never so much in my life wanted to live in Manhattan (and, you know, be a millionaire so I could afford to go to a Broadway show).
Although, when I was reading this story, I got an inspired idea. Having heard all of Kevin Smith's "Bruce Willis" stories on YouTube, makes me wish they'd cast Kevin as Arnie Wilkes. Now, THAT would give Bruce the proper motivation!
I just got back from New York, and the very first night I went and saw Misery on Broadway! It was on a Tuesday so I was nervous that there would be a stand in for Bruce or Laurie Metcalf, but they were there! The set was amazing as it rotates to different scenes, and I really enjoyed the music. Bruce wore an ear piece the whole time so it was a little bit disappointing his lines were being fed to him, but Laurie Metcalf KILLED it as Annie. Of course nobody can replace Kathy Bates, but she did pretty good.
The reviews are pretty terrible as they are really harsh on Bruce, but I did enjoy it. Afterwards Bruce came outside after the show and signed a few autographs, and I was lucky to get one! (He signed my Playbill) Here is a few pictures:
"Misery was almost turned into a Broadway play with Julia Roberts as Annie Wilkes. King vetoed the idea because Annie is (in his words) "a brawny woman who can sling a guy around, not a pixie."
I can't imagine Julia Roberts playing Annie Wilkes!! I think the reason Laurie Metcalf did so well was because she played a psycho killer in Scream 2 ;)
Oh, my. We should knock over a bank or two to be able to afford those tickets. That sounds awesome. Did you see Metcalf in an episode of "Monk"? She plays the "abandoned wife" of some guy and uses Monk's (wonderfully portrayed by Tony Shaloub) temporary amnesia to try to convince him that he's her husband and a roofer!!! She was my favorite character on Roseanne but she proves her acting chops coming off nuttier than a Snickers bar in that episode of "Monk." I can TOTALLY see her as Crazy Annie!
------------------------ "Get busy living, or get busy dying." (Andy - The Shawshank Redemption)