I was going to ask this question. Yeah, it just seems too convenient that he gets in an accident (that she wouldn't have been above causing) and then she brings him to her home where all the meds and medical supplies are there waiting for him. She could have planned waaay in advance. Since she's bat sh** crazy, she could have just been going to the lodge waiting for him to return -- not really knowing when he would return. Misery hadn't died in the last book she read, so she knew that he'd return at least once. Also, he hadn't quit writing altogether, so even if it was a different book he was superstitious (her words) enough to return. She thought she knew him better than he knew himself. That's part of why she's so scary to him -- she studied him enough that he began to believe that she knew him better than he knew himself, too. That's the kind of thing that can make a person lose their general sense of safety.