MovieChat Forums > Misery (1990) Discussion > Did she cause the accident?

Did she cause the accident?

Paul lost control of his car and skidded off the road, yet Annie was conveniently there to save him... (She admits that she was following him).

But remember that people close to her seem to have a habit of plunging off cliffs to their deaths.

Do you think she had a hand in this? I think it is implied that Paul's accident was more than a coincidence, but we never see any indication of that in the film.


I think it would be a bit far fetched, wouldn't it? I haven't seen the movie in a while but does she mention that she followed him? Because I assume he only goes to write in Colorado and lives in New York City so unless she knows when he's writing a new book I doubt she'd know where to even begin speculating in the pre-internet days it's not like they announced on the news "Paul Sheldon is back in town writing his new book". The only way she'd know is if the Misery series were books written right after the other and she knew there would be another one down the pike hence Paul being back in town in his cabin. She didn't know that Paul's latest Misery book was the last one.

I think Annie just got lucky because she would have to know that Paul was done writing his book and would be on his way back home in order to pull that off and as cunning as she was she had no control over the weather in order to cooperate with her plans and she wasn't in the room with Paul when he finished his book and as much time as she had on her hands she's not that stealthy lol.

Annie could've been "following" him as in following behind him on the road she may have suspected that his car was in trouble and when she saw him fly off the road she decided to put her nurse training to good use (for once! lol) she may have been intrigued seeing as though he was driving an expensive car with out-of-state plates and suspected that he might be someone important or rich. She was lonely and had nobody chances are if it were me or you we'd probably be in the same boat as Paul only it would take us a little longer to find out how psycho she was because we weren't one of her idols and could only anger her by having rude manners or by swearing lol.


Yes, yes!! I think you're right!! She made it snow outside and then made his car lose traction!! Wow! She really was evil!!!



Paul lost control of his car and skidded off the road, yet Annie was conveniently there to save him... (She admits that she was following him).
You don't even see it, do you.


Yes, but she said she had no idea that he would get into a life-threatening accident.

"Convenient" in that she did not expect to save him.


I was going to ask this question. Yeah, it just seems too convenient that he gets in an accident (that she wouldn't have been above causing) and then she brings him to her home where all the meds and medical supplies are there waiting for him. She could have planned waaay in advance. Since she's bat sh** crazy, she could have just been going to the lodge waiting for him to return -- not really knowing when he would return. Misery hadn't died in the last book she read, so she knew that he'd return at least once. Also, he hadn't quit writing altogether, so even if it was a different book he was superstitious (her words) enough to return. She thought she knew him better than he knew himself. That's part of why she's so scary to him -- she studied him enough that he began to believe that she knew him better than he knew himself, too. That's the kind of thing that can make a person lose their general sense of safety.


I think it's a better story if, much like real life, all the pieces ARENT connected. She was spying on him and following him, but she couldn't have known that he was going to get into a wreck. And I can't believe she would be able to plan and execute such a plan, knowing exactly where he tired would be on the road and whatnot.
Coming Soon... The December Man


I think it's a better story if, much like real life, all the pieces ARENT connected. She was spying on him and following him, but she couldn't have known that he was going to get into a wreck. And I can't believe she would be able to plan and execute such a plan, knowing exactly where he tired would be on the road and whatnot.
Coming Soon... The December Man


no but she was stalking him


Oh yeah, she totally caused his accident! Annie Wilkes is actually Mother Nature and created that blizzard all by herself.


She was stalking him and took advantage of a (for her) fortuitous road accident.

Had she somehow "arranged" the accident, surely either King or Reiner would have planted some clues about it.


Unless she messed with his breaks, I don't see how she caused the accident. And if she loves him and Misery so much why would she put him in danger like that?

Here's my question though. Paul comes up there every time he writes a book, she says she's his #1 fan. She was following him this time, so it's pretty likely she had followed him in the past. Maybe even hung out at the Hotel in hopes of running into him.

Paul's not a dumb ass. How is it possible he never saw Anne before especially in that small town?

Mother is the name for God on the lips & hearts of all children -Eric D. Raven


Never thought of that.


Unless she messed with his breaks

That would be "brakes"...but ironically, she really DID mess with Paul's breaks, while inflicting some new ones herself!



Paul's drinking while driving the wrong vehicle for the weather conditions as well as his speed caused the accident in the novel. It was clear from their directions that Annie was in the oncoming traffic. If she were following him, wouldn't she be behind him rather than coming from the opposite direction?

A vintage Mustang's a poor choice for a mountain ice storm drive. For that you need a Subaru Legacy Wagon or an Outback as they're now called. It was clearly driver error in the book... Stephen King finds enough horror in the real world. Annie was terrifying enough as she was without causing the accident.

Bored now.




Paul wasn't drunk, remember it is mentioned he only has one glass of wine and one cigarette after he finishes a novel.

He got in an accident because of the bad snow storm. I don't think Annie caused the accident , I mean she admitted to following him but it doesn't really imply that she caused it. I assume when Paul was knocked out from the accident or was asleep she went to the store and had everything prepared or she probably used some of her old equipment she had when she was a nurse.
