I really just love this film
I was a kid (Ricci's age when she made this actually) when this came out and saw it when it came to video. Its always been one of my favorites and one I recommend to many. Over the years I've watched it many times but usually its on in the background while I paint, write, cook or clean. Yesterday I sat down and actually just watched it again with no distractions, and I can't express how much I love these characters. Its one of the few films I can say I actually feel sad to see end. When Katie drags the pool inside the house during the closing credits my heart sinks a little. I wonder how the girls would have turned out, how Rachel would have been during old age, and if she and Lou had stayed together.
I've read the book a few times and I think I'll pick it up again soon.
"Living our maggot lives, dreaming of becoming flies."