I don't think you quite understand the affect JFK had on many, many, many Americans, particularily the Catholic. My grandmother is a devout Catholic and JFK was like a God to them back then. The first Catholic president, we may not think its a big deal now but back then it was. He was young, charismatic and incredibly intelligent. He had a beautiful wife that was revered all throughtout the nation, regardless of how people felt about her husband and he had 2 small children that would most likely remember very little if anything of their amazing father.
People were shocked, hurt and afraid. And they weren't crying over a stranger. They were crying over their President. Their president who hadn't even been given an entire term and who lost his life because he wanted to be more personable and let them take the cover off the presidential car.
As far as his drug use, who the *beep* cares? Did you know he smoked one joint in the White House? JFK's mob ties are completely different can of worms that I won't open but for you to think people's genuine sadness over the death of the president is "funny" than I feel sorry for you. Obviously you are unable to fathom how events of thsi magnitude, whether happening to a stranger or a close relative can affect people considerably.