I was pretty young when I first saw this scene,and I think it was the first time I felt a bit strange...you know!!! Joe was definately a gorgeous guy, Wynona Ryder I don't care about, but it got pretty steamy up there! Damned drowning kid!!! Did you like it or is it just another sex scene to you?
"...we need to concentrate on more that meets the eye....you're the truth, not I..."
no - i agree! there was an urgency about it - and the whole young girl being deflowered by the older hunky guy - i remember as a youngster thinking - oh aye! lol
when i was younger i thought ALL sex scenes were "hot" especially this one (for the same reasons above) but now being more "matured" It's lost it's "hot" value, and now i see it more touching and beautiful over anything else, except for that one shot of winona's black garter belt strap, that was hot!...
Back in '90 I thought this was touching and beautiful. That's because I was mature. Happily, today I'm OLD, and now it's hot again. ;-) "Sometimes, age has its compensations." Lou Landsky
Not hot. But I'm pretty sure it's because I had a feeling drunk lil' Kate was about to topple into the water (drunk 5 yr. old on the edge of a water fall? Totally going to happen) and Christina Ricci as a five yr. old looks just like my little sister at 5 and so it freaked me out. I know it's lame but I felt like they let my little sister almost drown.
Not that I blame characters and blah blah blah, but that scene was just too uncomfortable for me.
I wasn't really paying attention to it... I was screaming at the TV because I knew something back would happen to Kate and I was yelling like "Charlotte! Stop being dumb and save your sister!!!!" I thought it made alot of suspense though
I own the DVD, and after watching it about 10 times you forget about the fact Kate will fall in the water. Deffinetly hot! Charlotte and Joe were perfect together.
No, she was 15, I just watched it for the first time-it was on tv. I wasn't paying much attenion but they mention her age when Charlotte's driving the car. 'Put me out, I'm on fire' - David Spade: C&L
I know, after I wrote this I went and watched, and i saw where she said she was 15, which would have made her mom 16 when she had Char, which is REALLY gross.
"My dad is Buddhist, my mom is Roman-Catholic, so I normally tell people I'm Jewish." -Lynn Chang
I'm sorry, and I realize that that was really rude of me, but sex before marriage is against God's law, and it's morally wrong. I'm sure your son is a beautiful boy. Yes, I am pro life, so if I somehow got pregnant at my age (15) I would have the baby. But the only way that that is going to happen is if I got raped, which I pray to God never happens.
"My dad is Buddhist, my mom is Roman-Catholic, so I normally tell people I'm Jewish." -Lynn Chang
What about Prince Charles who MARRIED Princess Diana who he didn't love? There sex was okay, eventhough he didn't LOVE her, because they were married? You must be pretty conservative overall.
"God's law" doesn't exist because the universe simply IS. There is no creator, except the singularity known as the Big Bang (watch the documentaries on Science channel). So since no law exists, you have no right to judge others. You have your moral code, and they have theirs..... bugger off.
When I first watched this movie I was infatuated with Joe and so I found it hot. Now it seems he is taking a little bit of an advantage of her and the fact that she's a young girl who is infatuated with him, suddenly a new face in town and he's been working in a convent for who knows how long it could quite simple be him being hard-up.
im personally agnostic so Gods law doesnt mean anything to me. which i understand it does to you and i think women should me alot more careful with their virginity. i started having sex at a young age b/c i thought i was suppose to. i was dumb to think that.i see this now. but well...its too late lol and i love my son and the guy i did lose my virginity to ,i luckily dont regret even though we arent together anymore. But i think the no sex before marriage is a very respectable moral. and i think women should respect their bodies enough to wait until theyre ready.
Nope, I don't find it hot actually. I don't know, I always saw it as a stupid move from Charlotte and Joe. If you ask me I thought there was more sexual tension (in a much funnier way) during the first part of the movie when Charlotte kept wishing he would "throw her on the ground and make another Joey Jr." But when it finally happened, the scene felt a little contrived, not very well acted (the kissing was all over the place!) and forced to me. Besides I was getting too worried for Kate wobbling around that freezing cold river.
My idea of 'Hot' goes more or less like the love scene in "The Illusionist".
I don't know if I'd call it hot, but it was somewhat sweet and I can definitely relate to the rushed passion thing - too much, probably. In any case, it was tastefully done enough to be sweet and sexy at the same time, though you can't help, but feel for Katie, unknowing why her sister wasn't there to save her. The images of Katie in between the ones of Charlotte and Joe make the viewer question the whole 'hot' factor of the scene, I personally think.
If the sex scene was on it's own, it probably would've been hot; however I just couldn't get into it, b/c of the little sister - I knew something bad was going to happen and so the whole thing just seemed really sad, especially b/c I didn't know if the little girl would drown or live.
"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl
I never thought it was hot but to be perfectly honest I actually didn't know what they were doing for quite some time. It's not like I didn't know what sex was or hadn't seen it portrayed in movies but as a young kid that scene was just a bit vague for me to truly get what was going on.
I may have thought it was hot had I liked the male character but as cute as he is I found his to be about as wooden as my dining room table.