Early Silent Film
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this - this whole movie is a throwback to early silent films, particularly those of George Melies. I watched many of these early silent shorts in film school and this movie immediately came to mind. I know others have pointed out the Metropolis scene at the beginning, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've read the script for this movie and it constantly describes how things should look like German Expressionism. Even the opening title cards have a silent-era feel to them. There's even an example of film tinting in this movie (the green scene before the storm), which was common practice in movies before color film. Also check out the city lights behind Hanks and Ryan when they're on the ferry. They're all artificially colored.
I could literally write a whole essay on this movie and its silent-era references. But I'll spare you that for now - you should already get the idea.
"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"