When does the dream sequence actually begin?
"Have you ever slept on a boat before? It really affects your dreams. I look forward to it, even though sometimes the dreams really shake me up."
After much reflection, I've come to the conclusion that the only way this movie makes sense is if much of the second half is a dream that Joe is having. The first half of the film is at least more or less believable, but after Patricia tells him about dreams on his first night on the boat, things start to get very weird.
The only thing I can't decide is when, exactly, the dream begins. On one hand, it's possible that the dream begins that very night and everything that happens later (including the ship wreck) is part of the dream. Minor evidence of this would be the silliness with the hammerhead shark while fishing, and major evidence would be the fact that the lightning bolt that sinks the ship is the exact same shape as the logo of the company where Joe worked. If this is the case, Joe probably got to the island safely and probably threw himself in to die without ever falling in love with Patricia.
On the other hand, it's possible that the dream began after the shipwreck when Joe was floating on the luggage with Patricia. The main evidence for this is that nothing truly weird happened until after that point, hammerhead shark and weirdly shaped lightning bolt notwithstanding. If this is the case, however, Joe and Patricia probably died out in the middle of the ocean somewhere. I lean toward this theory, personally, since it makes sense that Joe would be having fever dreams while dying of thirst on a raft in the middle of the ocean.
Any thoughts? share