Movie is overly cheesy
Just like more than half of anything ever put near a TV in the 1990's. Ill start by saying that I am a huge fan of King. I've read the Stand several times and is probably the greatest book ever. Have more than half his books and all his movies. As the new IT movie is coming out next September I bought the most newest edition at Barnes and Noble. So I can finally put the hardcover of the paper sailboat headed down the drain to bed for now. But I watched the DVD the other day and it is differnet than when I used to stay with my grandma, And I'd watch it on SCI-FY and it would run like 4 hours. Scared the hell out of me. Now seeing it later it is so cheesy. The acting mainly. But anyone who has ever read even half the book knows that the TV Version didn't do any justice to the book. Hopefully the 2017 will knock the 1990 version off the map so I no longer have to endure this version.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”