MovieChat Forums > Home Alone (1990) Discussion > Favorite scene on Home Alone that rarely...

Favorite scene on Home Alone that rarely gets talked about?

For some reason I find the scene where Kate was calling the police, when she said "Somebody pick up" and then screams "PICK UP!" was hilarious, the way she screams "PICK UP!" sure sounds hilarious.


Best part is definitely Angels with filthy souls


I love that scene too, it always makes me laugh.

Another one that I love is when he screams at Marv saying that Kevin won't call the cops from a treehouse.


Yeah. Cell phones were huge back then. Not very portable.


Somehow, even now with cell phones, the line still didn't age because of the wonderful delivery.


yes she is funny actress.

if home alone come out today then jizz jlaw would play part and ruin film.


The part when the creepy Santa Claus wreath blows in the wind. As a kid, I thought the Santa looked mad, and this was to show that Santa was angry at Kevin for being a bad kid.


Kevin's reaction to seeing Buzz's girlfriends picture.


The airport scene where Gus Polinski introduces himself to Kate:
Gus Polinski: Allow me to introduce myself. Gus Polinksi. How are you?
He anticipates recognition from Kate, but she shows no reaction.
Gus Polinski: Polka king of the Midwest?
Kate still doesn't recognize him.
Gus Polinski: The Kenosha Kickers?
Yet still no reaction from Kate.
Gus Polinski: No? That's okay. I thought you might've recognized... Anyways, uh, I had a few hits a few years ago. Uh, that's why, you know... "Polka, Polka, Polka"? (He sings "Polka, polka, polka"): No? Uh, "Twin Lakes Polka". "Yamahoozie Polka", AKA "Kiss Me Polka". "Polka Twist".
Kate McCallister: These are songs?
Gus Polinski: Yeah. Yeah. We... some fairly big hits for us. You know, in the early '70s, you know?
Kate McCallister: Oh.
Gus Polinski: Yeah, we sold about 623 copies of that.
Kate McCallister: In Chicago?
Gus Polinski: No. Sheboygan. Very big in Sheboygan. They loved it, you know?

It's the subtleties in the dialogue and acting that make me laugh every time. Gus Polinski is obviously not the world-renown star he believes he is. And if you've ever seen a polka band (yes, it's a real thing) the stuff is pretty corny.

John Candy was a comic genius.


The scene where Kevin goes through Buzz's chest of things.


The lady too distracted by her giftwrapping and the cop stuffing his face with a donut are great details in that scene.
