The pizza scene

Something always bothered me. They are leaving for France the next day and make a point to not have leftovers or food that can spoil. However why would they order 10 pizzas? There are fifteen people in the house and ten pizzas is 80 slices. That is an average of slightly over 5 slices per person. Seems a bit much or am I missing something

Ive eaten so much liver, i can only make love if im smothered in bacon and onions


I'm betting Buzz and Aunt Lesley swallowed down the most. lol... Maybe the person who ordered the pizza overestimated. Since the house was full of people. Plus any left over pizza can be put in the freezer and takes longer to go bad than milk.


You might be able freeze left overs, but I don't know how well they will turn out that an already frozen pizza with directions on cooking it, but like i said in my post don't't forget that Kevin ran into Buzz which caused him to knock over soda to make the pizza soggy, and I would imagine that most if not the rest of the pizza got thrown out. It would seem that the person that ordered the pizzas could have overestimated, but we don't even know who ordered the pizza? And 10 pizzas that was ordered and it cost over $100 dollars, which also could be a good waste of money since a lot would have had to get tossed.


It was milk in some cups that got spilled onto the passports and plane tickets. Not on the pizza. Then Kevin's dad reacted and spilled some Pepsi onto Frank. Which is why he got pissed at Kevin. And the McCallisters was loaded so spending that much on pizza is nothing really to them. They spent on First class tickets to Paris. Kate giving cash and jewelry to the old couple at the airport.


Good point that I didn't think of, I would bet that they wanted something that could feed the whole family and I am sure that Peter and Kate also didn't want to cook for the whole family. But don't forget that after Kevin ran into Buzz, milk spilled onto the pizza like mentioned, which would have made the pizza soggy. So I would imagine that they would have thrown out any of the soggy slices. But who would want to eat soggy slices of pizzas. And plus it all depends on how many slices were in the pizza, since we don't know if they had order a small, medium or large. And also as Kate and Kevin was leaving one of the females is heard asking "now what is for dinner?" By the look of Buzz I bet he could eat a lot of slices by himself, maybe even a whole pizza if he was allowed too.


5 slices per person is excessive?

You've never met my family. 

I do not always eat that many (!) but most people in my family do.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


It didn't seem excessive to me.


Is that the only thing that bothered you about this film? I'm bothered that so many people got suckered into spending money (hard earned money) to see this *beep* I didn't see this in the theater and I'm glad I didn't. Nothing special here. I didn't laugh at the slapstick junk and didn't care about the subplot with the neighbor next door, which came out of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Getting back to your question: There were a lot of people in the house and I suppose they were able to finish all the pies. Buzz even eats a whole one, right?


That is the only thin she mentioned, well like it or not this movie will be around for ever.


Yeah, that's the thing. Well, I don't have to watch it again.


Did somebody say that you had to watch the first time?


I'm pretty sure it is said by Heather (the young adult brown haired woman who later counted everyone at the van the next morning) said Buzz ordered the pizza. Which would basically mean he intentionally didn't order enough cheese pizza cause he is a jerk who wants to treat his little brother like crap.

Green Goblin is great!


when did Heather say that ? I don't remember that part.


I am with Kel_Vernsen I don't remember Heather saying that either. Through I am saying that it is possible that he could have been deleted from the movie, even if they wanted to leave the audience guessing who ordered the pizza.


I figured it was the parents who ordered it for everyone who was over for the night. That's pretty common sense.


She said it was Buzz (at the stairs when someone asked who did).


She might have been kidding or really telling the truth but I am sure that if Buzz did he make sure not to have any cheese pizza for Kevin or try to eat them all really fast so they would be gone before Kevin would get any.


Left over cold pizza for breakfast? But they slept in.


The 2 fathers plus Buzz could eat a pizza each. That leaves 7 for the rest including 2 other teenage boys, the two mothers ,Heather and the remaining kids. Even if they bought one too many, I don´t see how that is like some major issue in the story.


What bothers me is that family sat there to eat and the delivery boy still hadn't been paid yet! If the whole commotion hadn't happen and mom wasn't taking Kevin upstairs, she wouldn't have ran into him and remembered to finally give him the money.
