So What If It's Not True

This movie is BASED on true events not an actual true story account.
Henry Lucas lied about almost all of the murders he confessed to so it would have been hard to make it an accurate true story anyways. It is still a decent serial killer movie, one of the best actually.


I agree with you. actually, you can set aside for a moment the murder aspects and you've still got one of the most accurate pictures of a certain side of America's nasty underbelly ever put on film. I used to be a prison guard and I knew a whole bunch of henry and Otis's. don't know if any of them were SK's, tho. but sorry excuses of a waste of oxygen, for sure.


I agree it doesn't bother me if its 100% true or not only if its a good/great movie that's the main thing and I really do quite like this movie
