what does Myra say?

Does anyone know what is it that Myra says in the scene after she gets beaten by Roy, when she's getting out of the elevator?
Also, how does she get all the keys to the rooms in the motel? I watched the scenes prior a few times and they never showed her grabbing the keys.



As she goes out the door she says, "And you don't even know it."

And I'd agree with you on the keys issue. Maybe it's a ring of universals for different types of locks. Who knows? She's trixie.


According to the screenplay - as Moira enters the elevator - she says; Mama, it's Mama. She's the one. You'll get yours, Mama. Oh, yes.

As for the keys, think of them as a grifters tool-box.


since lily was standing in the way of myra pairing up with roy, she had to get lily out of the picture while using lily (cause myra is THAT good) to make a con and some money. myra is a beeeyatch. and the set of keys is like part of her toolbelt/briefcase for her job as a grifter.



Proof that even the most minor variation in sub-title translation can blow the mind into atomic warfare.

