OK, I'm a bit obsessed with this film to the point I have various DVD releases (and the Arrow Blu-Ray) Does anyone know how many versions have been released? So far, I have the Synergy Collectors Edition (terrible picture), the version released as a split with 'Red Scorpion' (Again from Synergy), Optimum's release (better quality) Arrow DVD (best of the DVDs for quality) and Arrow Blu_Ray...

Also all these versions appear to have different running times (although nothing seems missing/added from either) and the Arrow versions are rated 15, whereas the rest are rated 18... Just wondering if this PG version really exists?!




Haha yes I own the bluray as well, but as far as I know there's only one UK version available so I'm not looking for any variants!

And yes, the special features are very good as is the transfer - near perfect esp. for a fairly obscure film - Arrow put much effort into this than some of their better known releases like Big Trouble In Little China!
