MovieChat Forums > The First Power (1990) Discussion > What's up with that fan thing!!!!

What's up with that fan thing!!!!

How in the world was Jeff/Patrick able to pull down a ceiling fan and use it to attak Lou/Logan and Tracy/ was not plugged in, but it was definately spinning as if it was!!! What was Jeff's/ Patrick's intentions, to slice up Philip's character?????

Also, who does Jeff/Patrick blow a kiss to when sitting in the gas chamber!!

What are the purposes of signatures!!..


It's a mystery/fantasy movie "buddy boy", wake up.


That "buddy boy" was hilarious and so evil..

What are the purposes of signatures!!..



WTF?!?!?!? Did Lou Diamond Phillips himself make up a bunch of accounts on IMDb so he could come on here and harrass people who didn't understand parts of/got-in his opinion-a little too excited over one of his movies??? Apparently this movie seems to attract people with huge chips on their shoulders to its message board so they can take out their unwanted, unasked for, completely out of place, over-the-top ridiculous aggression on others. What a world we live in.

I'd say the only "over-the-top" post in this thread thusfar is yours.

As for the fan working without electrical power, maybe Channing also has the Fourth Power...Alternating Current.


That bothers you, but the fact the guy won't die and can enter other peopel's bodies doesn't LOL

The phone is dead. Do you hear that, Vitus? Even the phone is dead.


yeah, the guy survives the gas chamber, can jump from body to body, won't die unless you light a special candle and say some ooga booga nonsense but him being able to mentally power a ceiling fan that's unpolugged....that's the part that ruined your willing suspension of disbelief?

