MovieChat Forums > Edward Scissorhands (1990) Discussion > I loved Alan Arkin's performance as Bill...

I loved Alan Arkin's performance as Bill Boggs

I thought every scene Alan Arkin appeared in was great, I loved him as the laid back father, his sense of humor sure cracks me up, he seems like a good father who is a lot of fun to be around.


Yep I agree. I loved every scene he was in.


It's a little scary how much Bill reminds me of older, middle-aged men I've met in real life. Caroline Thompson really nailed his personality as the clueless but well-intentioned father and Alan Arkin played him to perfection. Really underrated performance, as far as that film is concerned.

One really subtle moment that I love in the movie is when Peg asks Bill to pass the salt and pepper during the first dinner scene, but she has to repeat herself because he didn't hear her the first time. It's realistic, human touches like that which make the film so damn good.
