
Does anyone know where the music titles / lyrics for this movie's songs are located. I keep finding myself singing part of them and getting stuck because I don't know what else comes next. It'll drive me crazy until I figure it out.


I am also looking for clues to locating the songs for this movie. There's no official soundtrack listed on, and the end credits on the video I own are sort of illegible. Specifically, I'm looking for the song that plays when "Lobo" takes Emily for a trip on his bike. The credits list the song as "Talk To Me", but I couldn't read the name of the artist/group that recorded it. It has atribal, almost 'world music' type of feel (I wouldn't be suprised if it was a group based in New Zealand.) Any help here, for both myself and the original poster of this thread, would be greatly appreciated.


i would love to get a soundtrack listing to this movie as well., i LOVE this movie!!!

E-mail: [email protected]


If you scroll down and expand the credits at IMDB, you get ALL the credit listings, or links to them, for each film.


I am surprised that someone thought enough of the sound track of Don't Tell Her It's Me (AKA The Boyfriend School) to want a copy. But does have a list of the songs at

I thought that the music mostly didn't fit the script at all (actually, I'm thinking of the background music, not the songs.) A comedy should have music that reminds you not to take the story too seriously. It's not meant to be realism. But the background music here would have been more appropriate for a serious romance. Furthermore, it had the insipid quality of Muzak. It didn't even have a tempo that went with the screen actions.
