Charming Movie
Sweet tale about a cancer stricken man, who falls in love. He rebounds in both health and love. Nice music too!
shareSweet tale about a cancer stricken man, who falls in love. He rebounds in both health and love. Nice music too!
It kept me there through it.
Thought it's was amusing. The Writing wasn't bad either.
I loved this movie years ago and still now. I think Guttenberg did great at affecting a New Zealand accent and pulling off the whole 'Lobo' character, and still he was sweet 'Unkow', too. Guttenberg is one of those guys I love to see on the screen when he plays Everyman. Oh, the blond in the long hair was a bit much, though. It should have been all dark brown. I didn't like Jamie Gertz's character (that's not her fault though), but other than that, this movie is a sweet romantic comedy that sure beats Sleepless in Seattle or whatever movie they are trying to get us to believe and like.
shareI loved this movie also, it was a male Cinderella or The Ugly Duckling story.
Maybe I liked it because it reminded me of my life. I was a gawky looking young girl then I became really pretty in my twenties. Then I had cancer and got really icky looking again, lost hair and skin looked old probably from the weight I lost.
It came out on cable first as "Don't tell her it's Me" then later came out on cable as "Boyfriend School".
I saw it last night while browsing Free Movies via OnDemand saw the sypnosis and thought I'd give it a shot. Right from the very beginning to the end of the movie I fell in love with it. Now some people on here found the message to be immoral, but if you actually watch it you will find that the message just isn't about a man turned "Lobo" (with a Billy Ray mullet???) to win a girl over. It was much more than that. It was about a guy named Gus who won a battle from cancer and found himself to be repulsive after the radiation treatments. It's basic human nature when a person undergoes such things and with drastic alterations can easily find insecurities about themselves to the point where they want to shut the world out. He believes he is no longer the same man he once was and believes that others would not comprehend. With his meddling sister's help he sees Emily and falls in love with her, to the point where he HAS to meet her but then he sees his reflection in the mirror and cannot pursue any further than on his sister's doorstep. Emily, who wants someone to be with, finds Gus unattractive by his mere appearance. This is because of her misunderstanding with his looks. (I'm not defending her in any shape or form). She rejects him the beginning. Following his sister's advice he slowly becomes the same Gus he once was but with a new look and identity in order to impress Emily. He becomes the "every girls' fantasy" from novels. This is what he thinks will win her over and it does. In the end, Gus and Emily realize that even though he was Lobo, it was still him underneathe.