Am I hallucinating?????
Are there actually people who would discuss or argue about this movie? This isn't Gone with the Wind, it's friggin' Don't Tell her it's Me for Christ's sake!!!!! I can't admit to ever seeing the movie, but years ago I was in the theatre, and this was one of the trailers shown. The audience sat silent, open-mouthed, and wide eyed throughout the clip. When it was over, people laughed harder than I've ever seen....EVER! My buddy and I were swearing that we would go as soon as it came out, it never did. This was one of those straight to video (or the airlines) type of film. When it came out, Guttenbergs' career was dead. Shelly long's career was dead. Jamie Gertz' career was, you guessed it, DEAD! All this movie did was apply a defibrillator, resuscitate, and officially kill their stardom for good. Oh, and how about that name "Looobooo" Marunga. Accompany that with the sight of Mahoney in a mullet and that is well worth the price of admission.
This movie only deserves a blog to discuss how ironically funny it is, not arguments over which characters were immoral vs shallow or if deception to achieve attention is ok if they fall in love in the end.
So please feel free to make fun of this movie starting here