MovieChat Forums > Die Hard 2 (1990) Discussion > Oliver Harper's Retrospective and Review

Oliver Harper's Retrospective and Review

I just finished watching this and it was pretty interesting. Oliver gives a lot of behind-the-scenes info that I wasn't aware of it.

Die Hard 2 is perhaps an underrated action film. I know a lot of people like it, but a lot of other people just talk about how disappointing it is compared to the first film.


It was a good film, but it was a disappointment after the first film, and how could it not be?

I know that a lot of people like the third one, but I though that the third one was worse than the second one.


I actually watched the third film for the first time a few years ago. I think it's definitely a good action film, but it doesn't really feel like a "Die Hard" movie to me. (And so I wasn't surprised when I learned that the story actually came from a script called Simon Says that was reworked into a DH movie.) I think that overall 1-3 form a very solid action trilogy.

It's a shame what has happened to Renny Harlin's career. He was a great action director in his early days. If you haven't seen The Long Kiss Goodnight, you should check that one out.


I've seen that. My only complaint about that is when Samuel L Jackson is tied to a chair, and an explosion blasts him out a window. I thought that that part was terrible. Other than that it was a solid action flick.


I don't recall that scene in particular, but there's definitely some over-the-top stuff in the movie, as there was for many action films in the 90s. I think the movie is a hidden gem. It only made about $60 million upon release but deserved to be a hit.

I'm just not sure what happened to Renny Harlin. He made a lot of great stuff in the 90s and then seemed to just lose his touch. Or his passion, I'm not sure which.


but I though that the third one was worse than the second one

yes. you are correct.

only philistines think die hard 3 is better than die hard 2.

die hard 2 have best story of all die hard sequels. it have best characters - colonel stuart and general esperanza. it has best action - snowmobile chase, blowing up 747.

no other die hard sequels come close to die hard 2's originalitys. all other sequels are uninspiring


The main criticism (even from Bruce Willis) is that it's too similar to the first, which I agree with, but I also think the film is good enough on its own merits that stuff like "oh hey it's that scumbag news reporter from the first movie and he's yet again making things worse" isn't a big deal.


It's similar enough that I think it set a blueprint for the franchise: A hero takes on baddies in an enclosed space. I think that's why Die Hard 3, while a good movie, doesn't really feel like a "Die Hard" movie to me. It doesn't follow the blueprint.

I don't mind that it's similar to the first film. I actually probably consider that a strength. It IS similar, but it's also different enough to be its own distinct thing with its own identity.


die hard 2 is classic great action film. last of its kind. just as good as original imo's.

die hard 1 and 2 = greatest action film of that era's. only philistine do not recognize this.


Fucking Philistines, man.

I can appreciate the impressive mix of broken English, enthusiasm, savvy understanding of the action genre, and biblical references.


yes prime. whats sets off the philistine first? the lead in there ass or the shit in there brains?

anytime you see someone (or something) who are talking shits about great action like die hard 2, tell them they are philistine who should stick to shit dwayne johnson and van diesel action film that have 2 hour of slo mo mix with fast cuts and 1 million close ups of there disgusting faces.

die hard 2 beat up philistine and flush head down toilets then take there lunch moneys. it rain supreme. manly action for manly movie fan.
