MovieChat Forums > Death Warrant (1990) Discussion > Why did the Sandman always have to fight...

Why did the Sandman always have to fight like a bitch

He always had to use weapons against Burke to get an edge, what a wimp. Other than that he was one crazy, scary *beep* though. Also, why was he so invincible? thanks.


and when he had the upperhand, why did he run away?

Van Damme needs to run 4 miles to find him in the boiler room.



I know, man.Van Damme picked him apart, that's what counts. Still, for an imfamous, psychotic serial killer he was as yellow as a banana peel with how he fought.


Funny story.

The actor who played the Sandman was a great actor and had the perfect look they wanted, but he couldn't throw a punch or kick convincingly.

That is why they added in the wrench, the lightbulb, the saw blade, etc. It was the best way to make a convincing fight scene since the actor physically couldn't go punch for punch with Van Damme.




Go to the 3:18 mark.


great link


Very interesting trivia fact.
It's explain why he used weapons.
Interesting that they chose him because of his menacing appearance even though he doesn't know how to fight. It's still one of my favorite villains from Van Damme movies.
