One Of The Worst From Van Damme's Glory Years
I love action flicks especially cheesy ones from the 80's to mid 90's but i rewatched 'Death Warrant' yesterday and couldn't believe how bad it was! Now Van Damme is Van Damme in it and thats great, Robert Guillome from 'Benson' was excellent as well but the rest of it was awful. The fights were just too phony i laughed outloud when JCVD knocks out those two thugs who confront him outside his stakeout in the beginning because it was so fake looking!Thats the problem, i didn't want to laugh at how bad it looked i wanted to laugh at Van Damme kicking ass. Another thing is the horrible red & yellow tint to the negative that makes it look really cheap and gives it a total 'C' Movie feel.
I love JCVD's other movies from this time period like the classic 'Blood Sport', 'Lionheart', Universal Soldier' and 'Kickboxer' but this one just doesn't measure up.