I definitely see where you're coming from, but I love the movie wholeheartedly. This is one of those movies that I won't even try and convince someone to like or belittle your intelligence and attack you if you don't "get it." You got it, how could anyone not, but your tastes just don't jibe with it. It's not for everyone. I think as a viewer you're either with it 100 % or not at all, and when you're not every little fissure becomes a big gaping fault.
I, however, take so much joy in this flick - the cemetery fight complete with weird masks, the mysitcal mumbo jumbo, Goose yelling "*beep* YOU!" at the world before braining a dude with his nunchakus and stealing his motorcycle, Bonecrusher's awesome disaffected youth "I hate people" speech, the girlfriend's body in the trash compactor, the Paul Morrissey-esque junkie dad sequences, the repelling/ninja star armored truck robbery and the grand daddy action kung fu climax spectacular - it's just my cup o' tea and is a great feat for a small, independent exploitation movie made by a 24-year-old kid auteur. For me it balances the cheesiness with all it's grit, and that said - I still think it's superior to that other ridiculously unrealistic and OTT JD/gang cult classic The Warriors, and not nearly as cheesified as that one is. And I dig The Warriors.