I remember liking this film as a kid ... but man, i saw it recently on encore, and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamnnn ... that is one cheeeesy ass movie!!!!!
man.... :)
______________________________________ "Whom do you serve?" "Saruman!"
I for one live/grew up in the teeny bopper era and thankfully thats all the part I took into it. I thought Fast and the Furious was a complete waste of time.
haha... i'm not downing the film completely. its pretty funny actually, and has decent race sequences... but man, Fast & the Furious have NOTHING in cheese against this flick!
This movie is Cheeeeseee pure, and it is such a sticky, molten cheeeeseee, that it can be used as glue to stick concrete blocks together!
at least its entertaining cheeseee... could be as bad as Driven or somthing! :)
(PS: i really wonder what that [deleted post] said!
______________________________________ "Whom do you serve?" "Saruman!"
I remember thinking this movie was cheesy and stupid back in 1990 when it came out.
(why am I here if I think it's a stupid little White trash film? Well the movie is showing on TBS, and I was channel surfing and they had a scene with a hot female cop in it and I wanted to know who she was)
But ya know what? 15 years from now, someone will post the same message and F&F will be the cheesiest...and 20 years after that something else will be...it's all relevant folks....life moves on...and I think I will now too! ;-)
What's cheesy about it? It was a summer blockbuster who's sole purpose was to entertain and it did that. People rake these movies down because they think they're somehow above the film and the people who made it intellectually. Like if it doesn't compete for an Oscar for it's artistic merits it's somehow automatically trash. It's ridiculous.
It was cheesy, however, I always thought Robert Duval's character (Harry) was always there in time to laugh (when Cole turns up in the beginning on his bike through the smoke) or Randy Quaid's (Tim) was there to role his eyes when Cole said "Don't worry about it Harry.......the car's perfect"
I think this is a great film with an even better cast.
When Harry was explaining to the doc about why Cole though she was a hooker was dynamite acting.
Also i can never wipe the smile off my face when a) They stitch him up with the highway patrol girl and b) giggle like little kids after Cole puts the docs hand in his lap.
Love this film.
If you believe the matrix could happen then why not believe it is?