Before the last race when he is getting into his car doesn't it look like he is talking to a Man in Drag
shareBefore the last race when he is getting into his car doesn't it look like he is talking to a Man in Drag
shareYeah, looked like a serious dude.
shareI am SO glad someone started a post about this. I just watched this movie today for the first time (big fan of Tom's despite his very rough 2005), and I was struck by this too. Especially to see it in a testosterone-heavy Tony Scott flick. In my opinion, though, it was an incredibly male-looking woman, and they just did it to make Cary Elwes' character all the more unrelatable.
Yeah It was definitly a woman. That was a very popular look back in the early nineties and late eighties, with women having the short hair. I was only 3 when the movie was made, but I've seen tons of music videos from around that time plus photos of my family, and some of them had friends with similar hairstyles. The poofy top with the buzzed sides, kind of like Vanilla Ice