Durant's Gang versus Bodicker's Gang (Robocop)
Who would win? My criteria :
1) Weapons
2) Skill
3) Resources
4) Ruthlessness
Who would win? My criteria :
1) Weapons
2) Skill
3) Resources
4) Ruthlessness
Boddickers Gang. They had those huge explosive rifle things and OCP backing them up. Stracks company just did construction far as we know
shareBodicker's gang would probably make Durant and his goons piss their pants.
2014: The Year of Godzilla
Yeah, but Bodicker had a 6000SUX. 8.2 MPG, an American tradition.
I'm your Huckleberry.
Ha, good comparison. In the scum department, I'd rate them both about the same. Overall, I'd go with Bodicker's gang. That is unless we're taking Darkman 2: The Return of Durant into account. Since apparently Dr. Giggles can survive an explosive helicopter crash unscathed, those guns probably wouldn't hurt him at all.
shareWhooa! Boddicker's gang! Those mothafkas were vicious killers.
shareBoddicker's gang
Since they actually managed to kill their enemy, not just piss him the *beep* off