What happened to Lesli?

Well? I assume that it was Paxton that walked into her room. But And she says, get away from me *beep* But then what? I didnt really saw what had happened to her in the pictures of her later on, when shes not responding immideitly.


There was a brief shot later on, showing her destroyed body. I couldn't really tell if it was an open belly, like with the humans, or something with her head, because that part was too messy and short.

~No matter where you go, there you are~


Satan ripped her head off. All we see is the shoulders and the stump.

I guess the body wasn't that important since she was still responding later ... probably her AI exists in the computer and the body is just there for the human interface.


Wow, just tore her head off like that! Damn, I wanna see this so bad!

"Well I Won't back Down...No I Won't Back Down..."
